photon copied to clipboard
Project dead?
Started using this framework but now I realized the last official contribution was one year ago. Any feedback about the current status of the project?
This work is awesome and would be a real benefit for this project.
@connors can you please invite other developers to help out, if you don't find the time?
Dear @ddresch,
I absolutely agree with you and therefore I'm currently working on a complete new version of the framework that looks more like "one solution". The problem with my repo is, that it is just a "components" folder. Practicable but nor very smart to use.
Because @connors does not give any possibility to contribute, I have to to do this way because currently I#m the only active developer who takes care for this project. This project is nice but it's CSS only and does not provide a clean way for adding JavaScript components. That's the reason why I'm currently working on a complete redesigned framework that handles everything much more cleaner and is extensible. This framework is based on @connors code and some aspects will be more less the same but others will be implemented much better.
I'm using Custom Elements specification and a lot of different features. I'll keep you informed about the development ;-)
Greetings, Maurice Conrad
Dear @MauriceConrad, excuse my english I just discover Photon which is very useful for me. I'm creating an electron software and for me it's more easy to use it than bootstrap for example or another framework. I'm waiting impatiently for the new version ;)
Thank you. I am more less finished with code in general except documentation.
I will do my best and kind regards, Maurice Conrad
Photon 1.0 RELEASE
Dear Photon User!
I am very proud to announce the release of Photon version 1.0! You are a follower of Photon and maybe you already know my extension framework „PhotonKit Components“ that extends the original Photon project on a high level. Sadly the original developer @connors was not abled to accept my contributions or answer me at least one time because he seems to be inactive since more than 2 years. This is very sad because Photon is a great tool to design native looking UI’s and there was a lot to do. I was the only active developer who still keeps the project up to date.
Somedays I thought about the future of the project and the last commitment of @connors was 2 years ago. I realised that the only solution for the future of the project would be a complete new version 1.0
This release is a hard fork of the original project that redefines everything hardly and replaces the PhotonKitComponents project I made.
Getting Started
npm install electron-photon
Just have a look at the „ShowReel“ application or ask me for questions ;-)
Questions? Ideas?
Kind regards,
Maurice Conrad
And the clone is dead too ..