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Add support for Kafka headers

Open rocketraman opened this issue 5 years ago • 20 comments

Schema registry should migrate (over a major version, of course) from using a magic value inside the payload to specifying the schema id in a Kafka message header.

This would have the advantage of having the payload be a pure Avro message, which increases interoperability with other systems, and removes the custom wire protocol in favor of the upstream functionality that is now in Kafka.

For backward compatibility, the registry can fall back to magic if the header is not present.

rocketraman avatar Aug 31 '18 15:08 rocketraman

How would you migrate a non-header registry topic to a new header-based topic? Create a custom script to "move" over the first 5 bits into the header?

I'm not sure I understand the backwards compatibility portion of your comment, because at that point, wouldn't you either be duplicating data or just relying on the existing format?

And what other systems are you referring to? AFAIK, most systems supporting Avro require the AVSC schemas, not only raw bytes, and existing deserializer implementations such as Flink, as one example, don't expect or expose message headers in their Kafka events, last time I checked.

OneCricketeer avatar Sep 11 '18 07:09 OneCricketeer

How would you migrate a non-header registry topic to a new header-based topic? Create a custom script to "move" over the first 5 bits into the header?

I'd leave this up to the user. This would be trivial with the backward compatibility mode I mentioned. The user would simply read and write messages normally -- messages would be read correctly due to the backward compatibility mode, and written with the new Kafka header as that would be the new default mode of operation.

I'm not sure I understand the backwards compatibility portion of your comment, because at that point, wouldn't you either be duplicating data or just relying on the existing format?

No. Backward compatibility is only at deserialization time -- if the header exists it is used (no magic in the payload). If the header doesn't exist, the deserializer falls back to reading the magic. There is no duplication of data, just a backward compatible deserializer. Standard deprecation cycle: eventually this gets dropped.

I think you'd also need an option on the serializer to continue using magic for now, until the ecosystem catches up... see below -- but I don't think this would be the default mode.

And what other systems are you referring to? AFAIK, most systems supporting Avro require the AVSC schemas, not only raw bytes, and existing deserializer implementations such as Flink, as one example, don't expect or expose message headers in their Kafka events, last time I checked.

I'm not surprised systems like Flink don't do this yet -- Kafka headers are very new and it will take time for the ecosystem to catch up. However, you seem to be implying that because Flink does not do this now, it never will. I doubt that's the case -- headers are very useful in many situations (see the reasoning in the KIP that introduced them).

By other systems, I mean any system that does not rely on the existing serializers/deserializers from Confluent. Currently, to implement such a system, I need to a) just know that the data I'm reading is Avro data with the magic bytes, and b) understand the wire protocol -- I need to grab the bytes, I need to understand they are big-endian (not unusual, but still), I need to know to drop the first byte, and use the next 4 as the schema id. Then I need to read the rest of the message as the actual data. Instead, with headers, I would just see headers indicating its an Avro message and the associated schema id, grab the schema from the registry, and pass it and the payload to my avro deserializer.

rocketraman avatar Sep 11 '18 13:09 rocketraman

@rocketraman I certainly see value in your proposal. Would you be interested to provide a patch for this?

mageshn avatar Nov 09 '18 16:11 mageshn

Now that the schema registry supports Json via JsonSchema I think this has become very relevant since there is no need for a schema per say to read Json data so the wire format becomes kind of an impediment here.

ebrard avatar Jul 07 '21 07:07 ebrard

The wire format still matters for backwards compatibility and separates plain json messages from schema registry supported json schema (note: last I checked, json schema itself is not finalized}

OneCricketeer avatar Jul 07 '21 11:07 OneCricketeer

I think no one wants to drop the wire format per say, what this suggests is to move the schema id information to the headers with a fallback if it's not there, so as far as I understand this thread, this would be fully "backward compatible". Wrt. to the json schema not being finalised, it seems to be fully part of the OSS confluent distribution, and even if it's not this is a proposal which anyway will require a bit of time to be implemented (for all supported serde frameworks).

ebrard avatar Jul 07 '21 12:07 ebrard

I think it would be nice if the wire format was configurable. I understand this would have a great impact on testing and backwards compatibility. But it would make it 'easy' to move from one format to another, as you can use mirrormaker/replicator and have the consumer and producer configured for different formats. The consumers could default to the current format to be backwards compatible. I think it would be nice if the format using mainly headers was compatible with cloud events athough that brings additional challenges since e.g. for the 'id' there no clear way how to get it.

gklijs avatar Jul 26 '21 12:07 gklijs

Any update on this? Apicurio added support for this with version 1.3 (see

Having this feature in the Confluent Schema registry would be really nice so that one can use the CloudEvents dataschema context attribute to transport the used schema.

thake avatar May 04 '22 12:05 thake

Would confluent be accepting MR on this issue?

The intention would be to provide a configurable/opt in only schema id writer, which would stick by default with the magic-bytes + schema id in the payload and allow the configuration of other implementations to store the ids on the headers (with or without using the cloud events naming).

gustavomonarin avatar Jan 16 '23 16:01 gustavomonarin

Thanks @gustavomonarin , we're considering this.

The Java consumer is not the only component that would need to understand this. The Python, golang, .NET and other consumers as well. Additionally, we have front-end Javascript code for our UIs that would need to be enhanced.

Also there are certain scenarios in Kafka streams and ksqlDB where headers are not propagated, so we would need to figure out how to address those cases as well.

rayokota avatar Mar 09 '23 19:03 rayokota

What's the vision of confluentic on this issue? Is the plan to support a schema-id header (or a set of headers)? even if it's further in the roadmap?


woile avatar Jul 04 '23 10:07 woile

@woile just a single schema-id header won't do since both the key and the value could require a schema id for serialization. As the maintainer of one of the clients to interact with Schema Registry, I don't see any significant enough benefits to go through all the trouble.

gklijs avatar Jul 04 '23 13:07 gklijs

@gklijs not sure if i understood correctly your message.

Moving the schema id value from the beginning of the payload would have a huge impact especially for jsonschema. Currently having the id at the beginning of the payload makes json payload quite unconventional to not say unusable and makes a mess out of a transition that could be quite smooth.

gustavomonarin avatar Jan 31 '24 16:01 gustavomonarin

@gustavomonarin please expand why you think this. If you use schema registry, the clients are already taking care of removing those bytes at the beginning. If you don't use schema registry, you can encode which schema you are using in whatever way you like.

To transition I think it will be better to move to other topics anyway. That way you are sure about what's there instead of hoping for the best.

gklijs avatar Feb 01 '24 13:02 gklijs

@gklijs There are lots of tools unable to directly integrate with Schema Registry, and it is a hassle to always have the additional authentication configured in every tool. It is a pity that we have to discuss this again, after this issue is open and heavily upvoted for more than five years.

albrechtflo-hg avatar Feb 01 '24 14:02 albrechtflo-hg

@albrechtflo-hg So don't use Schema Registry if you can't use a schema registry client for what you are doing. I don't see how this issue will help a lot, except when used with jsonschema, when the payload is easily readable.

I'm not sure what authentication has to do with this specific issue?

gklijs avatar Feb 01 '24 15:02 gklijs

@gklijs Primarily, we want to make sure that producers adhere to a published schema when writing messages. Consumers shall also be able to verify that, but that is not a "must". In such a setup, generic tools are possible which just e.g. perform JSON transformations on the messages and putting them e.g. on a GCP Pub/Sub topic (Spoiler: We have such tools). Why do I have to write these tools schema-registry sensitive? That is lots of overhead, and they need access to the schema registry - in addition to the Kafka Cluster and the topic.

Another scenario: If a developer just quickly wants to inspect messages on a topic, they can use the Offset Explorer software. Yes, that is schema registry aware, but again - why fiddle with all the config stuff if I just want to view the messages on the topic? A developer usually does not care in that moment if the messages are schema-valid or not.

If the messages would be plain-text (and, to say that clear, it is simply bad design to have meta information in the message payload if this is no longer required for technical reasons), I would not even have to use Confluent-specific libs to read from this topic. Just as it should be. Reduce complexity where you don't need it.

albrechtflo-hg avatar Feb 01 '24 15:02 albrechtflo-hg

You can also use the 'reduce the complexity when you don't need it' to keep things like they are with the challenges mentioned by Robert.

If you only care about the production side, why not just have the schema in a separate repo and not use schema registry? I have seen that work great with protobuf. The whole idea is to have a reference to the schema included in the payload (whether in the bytes or the header) so you can always fetch the exact schema used to produce the data if needed.

gklijs avatar Feb 01 '24 15:02 gklijs

We do not care "only" about the production side, and I explicitly added "Consumers shall be able to verify that". I do not have the feeling this discussion is of any help for anyone. Confluent offers a feature which we want to use to migrate from our own solution (which is more or less a "custom schema repo"), and I really don't see why I should cripple all messages on our well-working topics because of this 10-years-old workaround in the SerDe.

Also, please note that we use CloudEvents as a format basis for our messages, and the Confluent schema registry wire format is incompatible to their Kafka specification. And yes, I want to use it together with Schema Registry. That is the whole point of this issue here - improving the product, not determining what is not possible today.

albrechtflo-hg avatar Feb 01 '24 16:02 albrechtflo-hg

If this issue is open, anything pro or con is worthwhile. It goes in all sorts of other directions. It seems the advantage of moving things to headers is to make some tools easier to use, which is fair. However, it does make all the schema registry clients more complex as they will need to support both formats, and somehow know if the message is in the old or new format. For this, the magic byte can be used on the consumer side, on the producer side we can add a toggle which format to use. We could also have a header with a key like SCHEMA_REGISTRY_MESSAGE_VERSION so we can check the header instead of the magic byte. Then we still need to tackle the issue that headers are not always propagated.

gklijs avatar Feb 01 '24 16:02 gklijs