schema-registry copied to clipboard
timestamp of creation of a schema version
Wanted to ask if there is any way to get the timestamp a schema was created at? From what I know internally the data is stored as kafka messages for which I can get such timestamps if the broker is new enough so I wanted to ask if there is any way to also receive this value over the rest api. Wasn't able to find anything regarding timestamps in the calls I've seen so far but wanted to ask if I missed something.
This feature is currently not present in the REST API of the confluent schema-registry , that would be a nice feature.
But since the topic _schemas
is compacted , it mean that you'll get the timestamp of the latest entry for a schema subject and version , not necessary the first-time inserted timestamp
example :
by curl to REST API of the schema-registry : subject toto version 1 ( timestamp 2020-08-20T00:21:00.0Z
by curl to REST API of the schema-registry : hard delete the subject toto version 1
by curl to REST API of the schema-registry : subject toto version 1 ( timestamp 2020-08-20T00:25:00.0Z
you will get the latest timestamp
also if there is a manual write on the _schemas
topic at 2020-08-20T00:40:00.0Z
key : {"keytype":"SCHEMA","subject":"toto","version":1,"magic":1}
value : {
"subject": "toto",
"version": 1,
"id": 30,
"schema": ".....",
"deleted": false
The compaction of the _schemas
topic will only store the latest msg ( and the associated timestamp )
Hi there - just wanted to add a +1 for this feature request; in our case, it'd be fairly helpful to track down when a given change was registered, to help compare to changes since that time.
It looks like this was acknowledged in, but not necessarily added to the requested list of features - is that accurate for the time being? Thanks for all of the existing functionality, it's super helpful 🙇
Hi folks, even we need the timestamp associated with the subject/version on schema registry for a given subject for our metadata tool so we can compare the deltas for only the ones that changed since our last scan of the metadata.
If this feature is implemented would be a big +.
Also plus 1 for managing deletion of old schemas.
Plus +1 for this feature
plus +1 for this feature