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Confluent REST Proxy for Kafka
Without providing `zookeeper.connect` param [endpoint](https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka-rest/api.html#get--topics-(string-topic_name)-partitions-(int-partition_id)-messages[?offset=(int)][×tamp=(string)][&count=(int)]) returns an error. HTTP response code: 500 Response body: ``` {"error_code":50002,"message":"Kafka error: Can't perform operation without zookeeper connect details"} ``` Kafka REST Proxy version is...
**Description** I checked confluent kafka 5.5.1 distribution with WhiteSource and find out that log4j version, that used in kafka-rest, has vulnerabilities - log4j-1.2.17.jar has CVE-2019-17571 and CVE-2020-9488 vulnerabilities. The way...
Hi, I try to send messages to the kafka through the kafka-rest proxy with custom avro schemas per record. I tried to setup proper SubjectNameStrategy using properties in /etc/kafka-rest/kafka-rest.properties configuration...
Currently Kafka REST Proxy does not return headers of the records. However, fetching headers would be useful. E.g. Kafka Connect Dead Letter Queue records have some important data is stored...
If in our server.properties, we have not configured any plaintext port, we get the following error while using rest consumer. We are using only SASL_PLAINTEXT port. [2018-03-07 15:06:53,709] WARN [test-consume-group_mdfdevapp3-1520415401800-2daebe03-leader-finder-thread]:...
Noticed that this same `LOG_DIR` not set causing `FileNotFoundException` behavior was still happening in the latest 5.5.x version of Rest Proxy. Created a simple PR to correctly set the base...
Hi, I'm trying to get records back from a topic after posting some json to it. Here is the error: {"error_code":50002,"message":"Kafka error: java.io.CharConversionException: Invalid UTF-32 character 0x4014837 (above 0x0010ffff) at...
To fix it, edit `bin/kafka-rest-run-class` and add: ``` if [ "x$LOG_DIR" = "x" ]; then LOG_DIR="$base_dir/logs" fi ``` just before ``` if [[ -n $LOG_DIR ]]; then [[ -d $LOG_DIR...
Compacted topics require keys when producing. If you forget to specify a key, the Kafka CLI tool kafka-console-producer returns a helpful error within a few seconds: > CorruptRecordException: This message...
I am not able to configure the kafka rest proxy docker container connecting to MKS running AWS. Here is the docker configuration `docker run -d -p 8082:8082 --name=kafka-rest2 -e KAFKA_REST_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=z-2.kxxx:2181...