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Is Authorization or ACLs are supported in Kafka-Rest
Suppose, I have two clients A and B. and two topics T1 and T2.
Client A want to send the message on topic T1. But he should not able to send message on topic T2 .
Client B want to send the message on topic T2. But he should not able to send message on topic T1 .
Can we add such authorization in Kafka-rest? Which we can do in Kafka broker using ACLS.
Please help me on this.
Thanks in advance.
Hey there @amitgurav04, I'm afraid the rest proxy does not currently support your requested feature. It currently supports proxy->broker authentication, but not user->proxy.
Feel free to check out our documentation on the matter: https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka-rest/docs/security.html
kafka-rest uses jetty severlet, you can Override configurePreResourceHandling from Application in KafkaRestApplication and add a filter to ServletContextHandler
The confluent security plugin(available under a Confluent enterprise license) supports this. https://docs.confluent.io/current/confluent-security-plugins/kafka-rest/introduction.html