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Add kafka-connect url to ksqldb
What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Add the env variable "KSQL_KSQL_CONNECT_URL" to the KSQLDB deployment to be able to create connector viq ksql queries.
How was this patch tested?
I pushed this PR into minikube and Amazon EKS successfully.
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@Hamdiovish ping for CLA
@confluentinc It looks like @Hamdiovish just signed our Contributor License Agreement. :+1:
Always at your service,
Can sbdy merge this plz? It's quite blocking not to be able to set this kafka connect URL...
@cbonami i think that it can be done using the “ customEnv” like following way: `cp-control-center: enabled: true configurationOverrides: "replication.factor": "1"
customEnv: "CONTROL_CENTER_CONNECT_CP-KAFKA-CONNECT_CLUSTER" : "http://kafka-cp-kafka-connect:8083" `
I’ve just used this workaround to push a new environment variable to control center settings.
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@Hamdiovish kindly send PR against this repo So I can review and merge it https://github.com/confluent-helm-charts/cp-helm-charts