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Is it possible to use the docker-compose stack on a cloud CI server such as GitLab or Travis?

Open dcs3spp opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments


I am new Kafka user and have managed to get a docker-compose stack working locally to successfully run functional tests from an ASP.NET Core 3.1 test service. This exists within the same docker-compose stack as Kafa, Zookeeper and Rest-Proxy services, on the same network.

The SUT and tests use the .NET Core Client to create a topic at startup if it does not already exist.

As soon as I try to run this docker-compose stack on a remote GitLab CI server the test hangs while creating the topic. The logs (see below) show that the .NET client is connecting to the correct internal service kafka:19092 within the docker-compose stack. There is some activity from kafka service starting to create the topic and then it blocks.

How do I configure the kafka broker and rest proxy docker-compose services to run on an external CI server? Is this possible?

Details of the docker-compose stack and GitLab CI environment are included below...

create docker network

docker network create --gateway --subnet broker

** docker-compose stack with zookeeper, kafka, rest-proxy and ASP.NET Core 3.1 for integration test services **

version: "3.8"

    image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.0.0
    hostname: zookeeper
    container_name: zookeeper
      - "2181:2181"

    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:6.0.0
    hostname: kafka
    container_name: kafka
      - zookeeper
      - "9092:9092"
      - "9101:9101"
      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: "zookeeper:2181"

    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:6.0.0
    hostname: rest-proxy
    container_name: rest-proxy
      - kafka
      - 8082:8082
      KAFKA_REST_HOST_NAME: rest-proxy
      KAFKA_REST_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL: 'http://schema-registry:8081'
 # ASP.NET Core 3 integration tests
 # uses kafka dotnet client https://docs.confluent.io/current/clients/dotnet.html
 # to create topics from an ASP.NET Core Test Server 
      context: ../
      dockerfile: Docker/Test/Dockerfile
      target: test
    hostname: webapp
    image: dcs3spp/webapp
    container_name: webapp
      - kafka
      - rest-proxy

      name: broker

GitLab.com CI Docker Network Environment

$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
2b3286d21fee        bridge              bridge              local
a17bf57d1a86        host                host                local
0252525b2ca4        none                null                local
$ docker network inspect bridge
        "Name": "bridge",
        "Id": "2b3286d21fee076047e78188b67c2912dfd388a170de3e3cf2ba8d5238e1c6c7",
        "Created": "2020-11-16T14:53:35.574299006Z",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "bridge",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": null,
            "Config": [
                    "Subnet": ""
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {},
        "Options": {
            "com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge": "true",
            "com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc": "true",
            "com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade": "true",
            "com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4": "",
            "com.docker.network.bridge.name": "docker0",
            "com.docker.network.driver.mtu": "1500"
        "Labels": {}
$ docker network inspect host
        "Name": "host",
        "Id": "a17bf57d1a865512bebd3f7f73e0fd761d40b1d4f87765edeac6099e86b94339",
        "Created": "2020-11-16T14:53:35.551372286Z",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "host",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": null,
            "Config": []
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {},
        "Options": {},
        "Labels": {}
$ docker network inspect none
        "Name": "none",
        "Id": "0252525b2ca4b28ddc0f950b472485167cfe18e003c62f3d09ce2a856880362a",
        "Created": "2020-11-16T14:53:35.536741983Z",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "null",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": null,
            "Config": []
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {},
        "Options": {},
        "Labels": {}
$ docker network create --gateway --subnet broker

Gitab.com CI server logs

webapp        | A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
webapp        | warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Repositories.FileSystemXmlRepository[60]
webapp        |       Storing keys in a directory '/root/.aspnet/DataProtection-Keys' that may not be persisted outside of the container. Protected data will be unavailable when container is destroyed.
webapp        | info: WebApp.S3.S3Service[0]
webapp        |       Minio client created for endpoint minio:9000
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.ProducerService[0]
webapp        |       ProducerService constructor called
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.SchemaRegistry.Serdes.JsonDeserializer[0]
webapp        |       Constructed
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.ConsumerService[0]
webapp        |       Kafka consumer listening to camera topics =>
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.ConsumerService[0]
webapp        |       Camera Topic :: shinobi/RHSsYfiV6Z/xi5cncrNK6/trigger
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.ConsumerService[0]
webapp        |       Camera Topic :: shinobi/group/monitor/trigger
webapp        | warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager[35]
webapp        |       No XML encryptor configured. Key {47af6978-c38e-429f-9b34-455ca445c2d8} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form.
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.Admin.KafkaAdminService[0]
webapp        |       Admin service trying to create Kafka Topic...
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.Admin.KafkaAdminService[0]
webapp        |       Topic::eventbus, ReplicationCount::1, PartitionCount::3
webapp        | info: WebApp.Kafka.Admin.KafkaAdminService[0]
webapp        |       Bootstrap Servers::kafka:19092
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,335] INFO Creating topic eventbus with configuration {} and initial partition assignment HashMap(0 -> ArrayBuffer(1), 1 -> ArrayBuffer(1), 2 -> ArrayBuffer(1)) (kafka.zk.AdminZkClient)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,543] INFO [Controller id=1] New topics: [Set(eventbus)], deleted topics: [HashSet()], new partition replica assignment [Map(eventbus-0 -> ReplicaAssignment(replicas=1, addingReplicas=, removingReplicas=), eventbus-1 -> ReplicaAssignment(replicas=1, addingReplicas=, removingReplicas=), eventbus-2 -> ReplicaAssignment(replicas=1, addingReplicas=, removingReplicas=))] (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,546] INFO [Controller id=1] New partition creation callback for eventbus-0,eventbus-1,eventbus-2 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,557] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed partition eventbus-0 state from NonExistentPartition to NewPartition with assigned replicas 1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,558] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed partition eventbus-1 state from NonExistentPartition to NewPartition with assigned replicas 1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,559] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed partition eventbus-2 state from NonExistentPartition to NewPartition with assigned replicas 1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,560] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending UpdateMetadata request to brokers HashSet() for 0 partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,613] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed state of replica 1 for partition eventbus-0 from NonExistentReplica to NewReplica (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,614] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed state of replica 1 for partition eventbus-1 from NonExistentReplica to NewReplica (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,615] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed state of replica 1 for partition eventbus-2 from NonExistentReplica to NewReplica (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,616] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending UpdateMetadata request to brokers HashSet() for 0 partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,770] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed partition eventbus-0 from NewPartition to OnlinePartition with state LeaderAndIsr(leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=List(1), zkVersion=0) (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,772] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed partition eventbus-1 from NewPartition to OnlinePartition with state LeaderAndIsr(leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=List(1), zkVersion=0) (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,773] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed partition eventbus-2 from NewPartition to OnlinePartition with state LeaderAndIsr(leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=List(1), zkVersion=0) (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,804] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending become-leader LeaderAndIsr request LeaderAndIsrPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=0, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], addingReplicas=[], removingReplicas=[], isNew=true) to broker 1 for partition eventbus-0 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,805] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending become-leader LeaderAndIsr request LeaderAndIsrPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=1, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], addingReplicas=[], removingReplicas=[], isNew=true) to broker 1 for partition eventbus-1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,806] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending become-leader LeaderAndIsr request LeaderAndIsrPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=2, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], addingReplicas=[], removingReplicas=[], isNew=true) to broker 1 for partition eventbus-2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,808] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending LeaderAndIsr request to broker 1 with 3 become-leader and 0 become-follower partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,818] INFO [Broker id=1] Handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 for 3 partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,820] TRACE [Broker id=1] Received LeaderAndIsr request LeaderAndIsrPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=0, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], addingReplicas=[], removingReplicas=[], isNew=true) correlation id 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,821] TRACE [Broker id=1] Received LeaderAndIsr request LeaderAndIsrPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=1, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], addingReplicas=[], removingReplicas=[], isNew=true) correlation id 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,822] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending UpdateMetadata request to brokers HashSet(1) for 3 partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,823] TRACE [Broker id=1] Received LeaderAndIsr request LeaderAndIsrPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=2, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], addingReplicas=[], removingReplicas=[], isNew=true) correlation id 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,828] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed state of replica 1 for partition eventbus-0 from NewReplica to OnlineReplica (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,829] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed state of replica 1 for partition eventbus-1 from NewReplica to OnlineReplica (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,830] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Changed state of replica 1 for partition eventbus-2 from NewReplica to OnlineReplica (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,832] INFO [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Sending UpdateMetadata request to brokers HashSet() for 0 partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,869] TRACE [Broker id=1] Handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 starting the become-leader transition for partition eventbus-2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,870] TRACE [Broker id=1] Handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 starting the become-leader transition for partition eventbus-1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,871] TRACE [Broker id=1] Handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 starting the become-leader transition for partition eventbus-0 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,873] INFO [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 1] Removed fetcher for partitions Set(eventbus-2, eventbus-1, eventbus-0) (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherManager)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:32,874] INFO [Broker id=1] Stopped fetchers as part of LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 as part of the become-leader transition for 3 partitions (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,345] INFO [Log partition=eventbus-2, dir=/var/lib/kafka/data] Loading producer state till offset 0 with message format version 2 (kafka.log.Log)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,421] INFO Created log for partition eventbus-2 in /var/lib/kafka/data/eventbus-2 with properties {compression.type -> producer, min.insync.replicas -> 1, message.downconversion.enable -> true, segment.jitter.ms -> 0, cleanup.policy -> [delete], flush.ms -> 9223372036854775807, retention.ms -> 604800000, segment.bytes -> 1073741824, flush.messages -> 9223372036854775807, message.format.version -> 2.6-IV0, max.compaction.lag.ms -> 9223372036854775807, file.delete.delay.ms -> 60000, max.message.bytes -> 1048588, min.compaction.lag.ms -> 0, message.timestamp.type -> CreateTime, preallocate -> false, index.interval.bytes -> 4096, min.cleanable.dirty.ratio -> 0.5, unclean.leader.election.enable -> false, retention.bytes -> -1, delete.retention.ms -> 86400000, segment.ms -> 604800000, message.timestamp.difference.max.ms -> 9223372036854775807, segment.index.bytes -> 10485760}. (kafka.log.LogManager)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,424] INFO [Partition eventbus-2 broker=1] No checkpointed highwatermark is found for partition eventbus-2 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,425] INFO [Partition eventbus-2 broker=1] Log loaded for partition eventbus-2 with initial high watermark 0 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,429] INFO [Broker id=1] Leader eventbus-2 starts at leader epoch 0 from offset 0 with high watermark 0 ISR [1] addingReplicas [] removingReplicas []. Previous leader epoch was -1. (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,462] INFO [Log partition=eventbus-1, dir=/var/lib/kafka/data] Loading producer state till offset 0 with message format version 2 (kafka.log.Log)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,468] INFO Created log for partition eventbus-1 in /var/lib/kafka/data/eventbus-1 with properties {compression.type -> producer, min.insync.replicas -> 1, message.downconversion.enable -> true, segment.jitter.ms -> 0, cleanup.policy -> [delete], flush.ms -> 9223372036854775807, retention.ms -> 604800000, segment.bytes -> 1073741824, flush.messages -> 9223372036854775807, message.format.version -> 2.6-IV0, max.compaction.lag.ms -> 9223372036854775807, file.delete.delay.ms -> 60000, max.message.bytes -> 1048588, min.compaction.lag.ms -> 0, message.timestamp.type -> CreateTime, preallocate -> false, index.interval.bytes -> 4096, min.cleanable.dirty.ratio -> 0.5, unclean.leader.election.enable -> false, retention.bytes -> -1, delete.retention.ms -> 86400000, segment.ms -> 604800000, message.timestamp.difference.max.ms -> 9223372036854775807, segment.index.bytes -> 10485760}. (kafka.log.LogManager)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,469] INFO [Partition eventbus-1 broker=1] No checkpointed highwatermark is found for partition eventbus-1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,470] INFO [Partition eventbus-1 broker=1] Log loaded for partition eventbus-1 with initial high watermark 0 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,470] INFO [Broker id=1] Leader eventbus-1 starts at leader epoch 0 from offset 0 with high watermark 0 ISR [1] addingReplicas [] removingReplicas []. Previous leader epoch was -1. (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,484] INFO [Log partition=eventbus-0, dir=/var/lib/kafka/data] Loading producer state till offset 0 with message format version 2 (kafka.log.Log)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,488] INFO Created log for partition eventbus-0 in /var/lib/kafka/data/eventbus-0 with properties {compression.type -> producer, min.insync.replicas -> 1, message.downconversion.enable -> true, segment.jitter.ms -> 0, cleanup.policy -> [delete], flush.ms -> 9223372036854775807, retention.ms -> 604800000, segment.bytes -> 1073741824, flush.messages -> 9223372036854775807, message.format.version -> 2.6-IV0, max.compaction.lag.ms -> 9223372036854775807, file.delete.delay.ms -> 60000, max.message.bytes -> 1048588, min.compaction.lag.ms -> 0, message.timestamp.type -> CreateTime, preallocate -> false, index.interval.bytes -> 4096, min.cleanable.dirty.ratio -> 0.5, unclean.leader.election.enable -> false, retention.bytes -> -1, delete.retention.ms -> 86400000, segment.ms -> 604800000, message.timestamp.difference.max.ms -> 9223372036854775807, segment.index.bytes -> 10485760}. (kafka.log.LogManager)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,489] INFO [Partition eventbus-0 broker=1] No checkpointed highwatermark is found for partition eventbus-0 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,489] INFO [Partition eventbus-0 broker=1] Log loaded for partition eventbus-0 with initial high watermark 0 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,490] INFO [Broker id=1] Leader eventbus-0 starts at leader epoch 0 from offset 0 with high watermark 0 ISR [1] addingReplicas [] removingReplicas []. Previous leader epoch was -1. (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,507] TRACE [Broker id=1] Completed LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 for the become-leader transition for partition eventbus-2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,508] TRACE [Broker id=1] Completed LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 for the become-leader transition for partition eventbus-1 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,509] TRACE [Broker id=1] Completed LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 1 epoch 1 for the become-leader transition for partition eventbus-0 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,549] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Received response {error_code=0,partition_errors=[{topic_name=eventbus,partition_index=0,error_code=0,_tagged_fields={}},{topic_name=eventbus,partition_index=1,error_code=0,_tagged_fields={}},{topic_name=eventbus,partition_index=2,error_code=0,_tagged_fields={}}],_tagged_fields={}} for request LEADER_AND_ISR with correlation id 1 sent to broker kafka:19092 (id: 1 rack: null) (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,564] TRACE [Broker id=1] Cached leader info UpdateMetadataPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=0, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], offlineReplicas=[]) for partition eventbus-0 in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by controller 1 epoch 1 with correlation id 2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,569] TRACE [Broker id=1] Cached leader info UpdateMetadataPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=1, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], offlineReplicas=[]) for partition eventbus-1 in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by controller 1 epoch 1 with correlation id 2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,570] TRACE [Broker id=1] Cached leader info UpdateMetadataPartitionState(topicName='eventbus', partitionIndex=2, controllerEpoch=1, leader=1, leaderEpoch=0, isr=[1], zkVersion=0, replicas=[1], offlineReplicas=[]) for partition eventbus-2 in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by controller 1 epoch 1 with correlation id 2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,574] INFO [Broker id=1] Add 3 partitions and deleted 0 partitions from metadata cache in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by controller 1 epoch 1 with correlation id 2 (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 14:59:33,576] TRACE [Controller id=1 epoch=1] Received response {error_code=0,_tagged_fields={}} for request UPDATE_METADATA with correlation id 2 sent to broker kafka:19092 (id: 1 rack: null) (state.change.logger)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:01:52,665] INFO [Controller id=1] Processing automatic preferred replica leader election (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:01:52,666] TRACE [Controller id=1] Checking need to trigger auto leader balancing (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:01:52,669] DEBUG [Controller id=1] Topics not in preferred replica for broker 1 Map() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:01:52,675] TRACE [Controller id=1] Leader imbalance ratio for broker 1 is 0.0 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:06:47,246] INFO [GroupMetadataManager brokerId=1] Removed 0 expired offsets in 0 milliseconds. (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:06:52,676] INFO [Controller id=1] Processing automatic preferred replica leader election (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:06:52,677] TRACE [Controller id=1] Checking need to trigger auto leader balancing (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:06:52,678] DEBUG [Controller id=1] Topics not in preferred replica for broker 1 Map() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
kafka         | [2020-11-16 15:06:52,679] TRACE [Controller id=1] Leader imbalance ratio for broker 1 is 0.0 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)

dcs3spp avatar Nov 16 '20 16:11 dcs3spp

run on an external server

Change all relevant ADVERTISED_LISTENERS properties to use the external address of that server rather than the internal Docker service names.

But your code is running in the same docker network, so you don't need this...

Your logs indicate the topic was created, so something in your code is blocking and not timing out

OneCricketeer avatar Sep 07 '21 23:09 OneCricketeer