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A security module for AngularJS.


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A security module for AngularJS.


Installing via Bower:

$ bower install ngsecurity

Installing via NPM:

$ npm install ngsecurity

Get Started

Your setup should look similar to the following:

/* file: app.js */
  .module('myApp', ['ngSecurity'])
  .config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
  .run(function ($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on('unauthenticated', function () {
      alert('redirect to login');
    $rootScope.$on('permissionDenied', function () {
      alert('redirect to permission denied');
<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
    <form ng-submit-login="/auth/login">
      <input type="text" name="username" />
      <input type="password" name="password" />
      <button type="submit">Login</button>
    <div ng-if-authenticated>
      User is authenticated
    <div ng-if-anonymous>
      User is Anonymous
    <div ng-if-permission="admin">
      User is Administrator

    <script src="app.js"></script>
/* POST /api/auth response */
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9",  /* required */
  "user": {  /* optional */
    "name": 'Administrator'
  "permissions": [  /* optional */


Service Methods

login(token: String, [user: Object, [permissions: Array]]) [Simple strategy]

Authenticate a user with token. Data and permissions are optional.
Simple example:

  .controller(['$scope', '$http', '$security', function ($scope, $http, $security) {
    $scope.username = 'admin';
    $scope.password = 'admin';
    $scope.authenticate = function () {
      $'/api/auth', {
        username: $scope.username,
        password: $scope.password
      }).success(function (data) {
        $security.login(data.token, data.user, data.permissions);

login(token: String, [permissions: Array]) [JWT strategy]

Authenticate a user with token. Permissions are optional.
JWT example:

/* file: app.js */
  .config(['$httpProvider', '$securityConfigProvider', function ($httpProvider, $securityConfigProvider) {
      strategy: 'jwt',
  .controller(['$scope', '$http', '$security', function ($scope, $http, $security) {
    $scope.username = 'admin';
    $scope.password = 'admin';
    $scope.authenticate = function () {
      $'/api/auth', {
        username: $scope.username,
        password: $scope.password
      }).success(function (data) {
        $security.login(data.token, data.permissions);

loginByUrl(url: String, data: Object)

Use resource for authenticate user. The service should return a response compatible. The return is a promise.
Simple example:

  .controller(['$scope', '$security', function ($scope, $security) {
    $scope.username = 'admin';
    $scope.password = 'admin';
    $scope.authenticate = function () {
      $security.loginByUrl('/api/auth', {
        username: $scope.username,
        password: $scope.password

Compatible API response:

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9",  /* required */
  "user": {  /* optional */
    "name": 'Administrator'
  "permissions": [  /* optional */

JWT example:

/* file: app.js */
  .config(['$httpProvider', '$securityConfigProvider', function ($httpProvider, $securityConfigProvider) {
      strategy: 'jwt',
  .controller(['$scope', '$security', function ($scope, $security) {
    $scope.username = 'admin';
    $scope.password = 'admin';
    $scope.authenticate = function () {
      $security.loginByUrl('/api/auth', {
        username: $scope.username,
        password: $scope.password

Compatible API response:

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiQWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciJ9.cwtcdrm6c5fXBdnhzkFnlXmvvsRY7xB6YsKrLE_phm4",  /* required */


User logout and remove session user data.

hasPermission(permission: String)

Check if user has permission.

hasAllPermission(permissions: Array)

Check if user has all permission of array.

hasAnyPermission(permissions: Array)

Check if user has any permission of array.


Check if user is authenticated.


Get session user data.


Get session user permissions.


ng-if-authenticated (Attribute only)

The directive only shows the HTML element if user is authenticated.

ng-if-anonymous (Attribute only)

The directive only shows the HTML element if user not is authenticated.

ng-if-permission="<permission: String>" (Attribute only)

The directive only shows the HTML element if user has permission.

<div ng-if-permission="admin,staff">
  <p>Admin or Staff</p>
  <div ng-if-permission="admin">

ng-if-permission-model="<permission: Any>" (Attribute only)

The directive only shows the HTML element if user has permission specified on scope.

  .controller(['$scope', '$security', function ($scope, $security) {
    $scope.allPermission = [
    $scope.adminPermission = 'admin';
<div ng-if-permission-model="allPermission">
  <p>Admin or Staff</p>
  <div ng-if-permission-model="adminPermission">

ng-permission-type="ALL|ANY" (Attribute only)

The auxiliary directive for ng-if-permission, ng-if-permission-model and ng-enabled-permission, it determine the validation method.
The value default is ANY.

<div ng-if-permission="admin,staff" ng-permission-type="ANY">
  <p>Admin or Staff</p>
<div ng-if-permission="admin,staff" ng-permission-type="ALL">
  <p>Admin and Staff</p>

ng-enabled-permission="<permission: String>" (Attribute only)

The directive sets the disabled attribute on the HTML element if user has permission.

<button ng-enabled-permission="admin,staff">
  Add User
<button ng-enabled-permission="admin">
  Remove User

ng-click-logout (Attribute only)

The directive logout current user.

<button ng-click-logout>

ng-bind-user="<attribute: String>" (Attribute only)

The directive replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the user data.

<div ng-bind-user="name">
  <!-- render user name -->

ng-submit-login="<url: String>" (Attribute only)

The directive login user when submit form. It calls back ng-login-success when success to login, and calls back ng-login-error when fail to login.

<form ng-submit-login="/api/auth" ng-login-success="success($response)" ng-login-error="error($response)">
  <div ng-show-login-success> <!-- show the HTML element when login is successful -->
  <div ng-show-login-error> <!-- show the HTML element when login failed -->
    <p>Username or password invalid!</p>
  <input type="text" name="username" />
  <input type="password" name="password" />
  <button type="submit">Login</button>

Provider Options

  .config(['$securityConfigProvider', function ($securityConfigProvider) {
      strategy: 'simple',  /* Validation method. Examples: 'jwt' */
      token: {
        header: 'Authorization',  /* request header name intercepted */
        prefix: ''
      storageName: {
        token: 'ng-security-authorization',
        user: 'ng-security-user',
        permissions: 'ng-security-permissions'
      responseErrorName: {  /* the name for broadcast of request error intercepted */
        401: 'unauthenticated',
        403: 'permissionDenied'