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problem converting gff
Hi, I am trying to convert a gff to a .chrom. The script works with the example python NCBIgff2chrom.py GCF_000001405.39_GRCh38.p13_genomic.gff.gz > GCF_000001405.39_GRCh38.p13_genomic.chrom. However, it does not work with the two genomes I want to compare (two earthworm species, accessions GWHACBE00000000 and GWHAOSM00000000.1 from https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/). Below I paste the first two entries of each gff file, that I think are not different from those of human gff file. What could be the problem? Thank you very much for your help.
#OriSeqID=Chr01 Accession=GWHACBE00000001 GWHACBE00000001 EVM gene 1225623 1239308 . - . ID=evm.TU.Chr01.49;Accession=GWHGACBE000049;Name=evm.TU.Chr01.49 GWHACBE00000001 EVM mRNA 1225623 1239308 . - . ID=evm.model.Chr01.49;Accession=GWHTACBE000049;Parent=evm.TU.Chr01.49;Parent_Accession=GWHGACBE000049
#OriSeqID=Contig0 Accession=GWHAOSM00000001.1 GWHAOSM00000001.1 EVM gene 669375 680474 . - . ID=evm.TU.Contig0.5;Accession=GWHGAOSM000001.1;Name=EVM%20prediction%20Contig0.5;transl_table=1 GWHAOSM00000001.1 EVM mRNA 669375 680474 . - . ID=evm.model.Contig0.5;Accession=GWHTAOSM000001.1;Parent=evm.TU.Contig0.5;Parent_Accession=GWHGAOSM000001.1;Name=EVM%20prediction%20Contig0.5;transl_table=1