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Conan - The open-source C and C++ package manager



Decentralized, open-source (MIT), C/C++ package manager.

  • Homepage:
  • Github:
  • Docs:
  • Slack: (#conan channel)
  • Twitter:

Conan is a package manager for C and C++ developers:

  • It is fully decentralized. Users can host their packages on their servers, privately. Integrates with Artifactory and Bintray.
  • Portable. Works across all platforms, including Linux, OSX, Windows (with native and first-class support, WSL, MinGW), Solaris, FreeBSD, embedded and cross-compiling, docker, WSL
  • Manage binaries. It can create, upload and download binaries for any configuration and platform, even cross-compiling, saving lots of time in development and continuous integration. The binary compatibility can be configured and customized. Manage all your artifacts in the same way on all platforms.
  • Integrates with any build system, including any proprietary and custom one. Provides tested support for major build systems (CMake, MSBuild, Makefiles, Meson, etc).
  • Extensible: Its python based recipes, together with extensions points allows for great power and flexibility.
  • Large and active community, especially in Github ( and Slack ( #conan channel). This community also creates and maintains packages in ConanCenter and Bincrafters repositories in Bintray.
  • Stable. Used in production by many companies, since 1.0 there is a commitment not to break package recipes and documented behavior.

+-------------------------+-------------------------+ | develop | Code Climate | +=========================+=========================+ | |Build Status Develop| | |Develop climate| | +-------------------------+-------------------------+


Please read to know how to install and start using Conan. TL;DR:

.. code-block::

$ pip install conan

Install a development version

You can run Conan client and server in Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

  • Install pip following pip docs_.

  • Clone Conan repository:

    .. code-block:: bash

    $ git clone conan-io

NOTE: repository directory name matters, some directories are known to be problematic to run tests (e.g. conan). conan-io directory name was tested and guaranteed to be working.

  • Install in editable mode

    .. code-block:: bash

    $ cd conan-io && sudo pip install -e .

    If you are in Windows, using sudo is not required.

  • You are ready, try to run Conan:

    .. code-block::

    $ conan --help

    Consumer commands install Installs the requirements specified in a recipe ( or conanfile.txt). config Manages Conan configuration. get Gets a file or list a directory of a given reference or package. info Gets information about the dependency graph of a recipe. search Searches package recipes and binaries in the local cache or a remote. Unless a remote is specified only the local cache is searched. Creator commands new Creates a new package recipe template with a '' and optionally, 'test_package' testing files. create Builds a binary package for a recipe ( upload Uploads a recipe and binary packages to a remote. export Copies the recipe ( & associated files) to your local cache. export-pkg Exports a recipe, then creates a package from local source and build folders. test Tests a package consuming it from a with a test() method. Package development commands source Calls your local 'source()' method. build Calls your local 'build()' method. package Calls your local 'package()' method. editable Manages editable packages (packages that reside in the user workspace, but are consumed as if they were in the cache). workspace Manages a workspace (a set of packages consumed from the user workspace that belongs to the same project). Misc commands profile Lists profiles in the '.conan/profiles' folder, or shows profile details. remote Manages the remote list and the package recipes associated with a remote. user Authenticates against a remote with user/pass, caching the auth token. imports Calls your local or conanfile.txt 'imports' method. copy Copies conan recipes and packages to another user/channel. remove Removes packages or binaries matching pattern from local cache or remote. alias Creates and exports an 'alias package recipe'. download Downloads recipe and binaries to the local cache, without using settings. inspect Displays conanfile attributes, like name, version, and options. Works locally, in local cache and remote. help Shows help for a specific command. lock Generates and manipulates lock files. frogarian Conan The Frogarian

    Conan commands. Type "conan -h" for help

Contributing to the project

Feedback and contribution are always welcome in this project. Please read our contributing guide <>. Also, if you plan to contribute, please add some testing for your changes. You can read the Conan tests guidelines section <> for some advise on how to write tests for Conan.

Running the tests

Using tox

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m tox

It will install the needed requirements and launch pytest skipping some heavy and slow tests. If you want to run the full test suite:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m tox -e full

Without tox

Install python requirements

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m pip install -r conans/requirements.txt
$ python -m pip install -r conans/requirements_server.txt
$ python -m pip install -r conans/requirements_dev.txt

If you are not Windows and you are not using a python virtual environment, you will need to run these commands using sudo.

Before you can run the tests, you need to set a few environment variables first.

.. code-block:: bash


On Windows it would be (while being in the Conan root directory):

.. code-block:: bash


Ensure that your cmake has version 2.8 or later. You can see the version with the following command:

.. code-block:: bash

$ cmake --version

The appropriate values of CONAN_COMPILER and CONAN_COMPILER_VERSION depend on your operating system and your requirements.

These should work for the GCC from build-essential on Ubuntu 14.04:

.. code-block:: bash

$ export CONAN_COMPILER=gcc

These should work for OS X:

.. code-block:: bash

$ export CONAN_COMPILER=clang

You can run the actual tests like this:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m pytest .

There are a couple of test attributes defined, as slow that you can use to filter the tests, and do not execute them:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m pytest . -m "not slow"

A few minutes later it should print OK:

.. code-block:: bash

Ran 146 tests in 50.993s


To run specific tests, you can specify the test name too, something like:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m pytest conans/test/unittests/client/cmd/ -s

The -s argument can be useful to see some output that otherwise is captured by pytest.

Also, you can run tests against an instance of Artifactory. Those tests should add the attribute artifactory_ready.

.. code-block:: bash

$ python -m pytest . -m artifactory_ready

Some environment variables have to be defined to run them. For example, for an Artifactory instance that is running on the localhost with default user and password configured, the variables could take the values:

.. code-block:: bash

$ export ARTIFACTORY_DEFAULT_URL=http://localhost:8081/artifactory

ARTIFACTORY_DEFAULT_URL is the base url for the Artifactory repo, not one for a specific repository. Running the tests with a real Artifactory instance will create repos on the fly so please use a separate server for testing purposes.



.. |Build Status Develop| image:: :target:

.. |Develop climate| image:: :target:

.. |Logo| image::

.. _pip docs: