chartjs-plugin-draggable copied to clipboard
Draggable element plugin for Chart.js
Hello, Have you an example to use this library in TypeScript project? Best regards
``` Found: [email protected] npm ERR! node_modules/chartjs-plugin-annotation npm ERR! chartjs-plugin-annotation@"^1.0.1" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency: npm ERR! peer chartjs-plugin-annotation@"^0.5.2" from [email protected] ``` has...
Unsing chartjs 3.4.1 and annotation plugin 1.0.1 chartjs-plugin-draggable.js:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'register')
Samples do not work with chart.js 2.7.x
Hi all, Im using a bar chart with chart js and annotation with draggable. Im trying to set the value dynamicly in a popup dialog wich works if i dont...
Hi I am trying to use this in angular component along with chartjs-plugin-annotaion but not able to. can you give some hint how can I configure it in typescript
Hi, can you please provide a demo of how does this plugin work? Would be helpful thank you!
hi, Can you please add a working draggable sample, it is only a client event logged in console. thanks
Hi, The chart refresh that occurs when dragging line annotations does not honor the custom ticks callback that user provides in chart options, i.e. ``` options = { scales: {...
I was wondering if this plug-in was designed to work with all chart types? I played around some with trying to get this to work with the Radar Chart but...