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A tiny Amazon Signature Version 4 connection class for Elasticsearch.js

Results 6 aws-elasticsearch-connector issues
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solve issue #36 to work with ` "@elastic/elasticsearch": "^8.2.1", `

There is error after I update ` "@elastic/elasticsearch": "^8.2.1",` ` node_modules/aws-elasticsearch-connector/index.d.ts:5:22 - error TS2693: 'Connection' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here. ` ```...

This fixes the signing header for elastic search requests, as the lowercase "host" header causes header size issues and invalidates the signing.

When trying to perform elastic search queries with the latest version 9.0.0, the IAM authentication fails with the message "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you...

help wanted

The warning below is logged when using this lib with the `es.helpers.bulk` function Sample code: ```javascript const syncedAt = new Date().toISOString(); const bulkResult = await es.helpers.bulk({ datasource: [{syncedAt, id: '1'}],...

help wanted

This PR didnt update the typings file, which still has ``` const AWS = require("aws-sdk"); export const ConnectorFactory: (awsConfig: AWS.Config) => Connector; ``` Maybe it's time to drop support...