react-native-swipe-calendar copied to clipboard
A swipeable calendar component for React Native.
React Native Swipe Calendar
A swipeable calendar component for React Native.
Fully native interactions powered by Reanimated 2 and React Native Gesture Handler.
- Follow installation instructions for reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler
npm install
oryarn add
import Calendar from 'react-native-swipe-calendar'
type HeaderComponent = (props: { date: Date }) => JSX.Element | null;
type DayLabelComponentType = (props: { date: Date }) => JSX.Element | null;
type DayComponentType = (props: {
date: Date;
isInDisplayedMonth: boolean;
isSelected: boolean;
isToday: boolean;
}) => JSX.Element | null;
export type WeekComponentType = (props: {
days: Date[];
}) => JSX.Element | null;
export type MonthComponentType = (props: {
weeks: Date[][];
firstDayOfMonth: Date;
}) => JSX.Element | null;
export type PageInterval = "day" | "week" | "month";
export type CalendarProps = {
selectedDate?: Date | null;
onDateSelect?: OnDateSelect;
onPageChange?: (date: Date) => void;
currentDate?: Date;
HeaderComponent?: HeaderComponentType;
DayLabelComponent?: DayLabelComponentType;
DayComponent?: DayComponentType;
WeekComponent?: WeekComponentType;
MonthComponent?: MonthComponentType;
theme?: Partial<typeof DEFAULT_THEME>;
pageBuffer?: number;
minDate?: Date;
maxDate?: Date;
pageInterpolator?: CalendarPageInterpolator;
simultaneousGestures?: (ComposedGesture | GestureType)[];
monthAnimCallbackNode?: Animated.SharedValue<number>;
gesturesDisabled?: boolean;
animationConfig?: Partial<WithSpringConfig>;
weekStartsOn?: WeekDayIndex;
pageInterval?: PageInterval;
Name | Type | Description |
selectedDate |
`Date | null` |
onDateSelect |
(date: Date) => void |
Callback invoked when the a date is selected. |
onPageChange |
(date: Date) => void |
Callback invoked when the month is changed. |
currentDate |
Date |
Date to initialize the calendar with. |
theme |
Partial<typeof DEFAULT_THEME> |
Overrides for default fonts and colors. |
HeaderComponent |
HeaderComponentType |
Custom replacement for Header component. |
DayComponent |
DayComponentType |
Custom replacement for Day compoent. |
WeekComponent |
WeekComponentType |
Custom replacement for Week compoent. |
MonthComponent |
MonthComponentType |
Custom replacement for Month compoent. |
DayLabelComponent |
DayLabelComponentType |
Custom replacement for Day Label component ("Su", "Mo", etc). |
minDate |
Date |
The minimum date the calendar will display |
maxDate |
Date |
The maximum date the calendar will display |
pageInterpolator |
typeof defaultPageInterpolator |
A worklet to customize page transition animations. Returns an animated style |
animationConfig |
Partial<WithSpringConfig> |
An animation spring config object to customize how page transitions animate. |
simultaneousGestures |
`(ComposedGesture | GestureType)[]` |
weekStartsOn |
number |
Index of the day week starts on. |
pageInterval |
`"month" | "week" |
Imperative Api
Access the imperative api by passing a ref
to the Calendar
type ImperativeApiOptions = {
animated?: boolean;
type CalendarImperativeApi = {
incrementPage: (options?: ImperativeApiOptions) => void;
decrementPage: (options?: ImperativeApiOptions) => void;
setPage: (date: Date, options?: ImperativeApiOptions) => void;
// Example
function MyComponent() {
const calendarRef = useRef<CalendarImperativeApi>(null)
const onIncrementButtonPress = () => calendarRef.current?.incrementPage()
return (
<Calendar ref={calendarRef} />
<MyButton onPress={onIncrementButtonPress} />
Name | Type | Description |
incrementPage |
(options: ImperativeApiOptions) => void |
Go to next month. |
decrementPage |
(options: ImperativeApiOptions) => void |
Go to previous month. |
setPage |
(date: Date, options: ImperativeApiOptions) => void |
Go to given month. |
If you render your own components via DayComponent
prop or other custom view, you may need access to more internal state than is available on props. This state may be accessed via the exported useCalendarContext()
NOTE: Be careful about performance! Lots of instances of
are rendered at any given time. You may need to wrap memoized inner wrappers around your custom components.
type CalendarContextValue = {
referenceDate: Date,
selectedDate: Date | null | undefined,
onDateSelect: OnDateSelect,
DayComponent: DayComponentType | undefined,
WeekComponent: WeekComponentType | undefined,
MonthComponent: MonthComponentType | undefined,
DayLabelComponent: DayLabelComponentType | undefined,
HeaderComponent: HeaderComponentType | undefined,
theme: typeof DEFAULT_THEME,
pageInterpolator: typeof defaultPageInterpolator,
weekStartsOn: number,
// Example
function MyCustomDayComponent({ date, isSelected }) {
const { onDateSelect } = useCalendarContext()
// Forward to the `onDateSelect` prop
const onDayPress = () => onDateSelect(date, { isSelected })
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={onDayPress}>
Custom pageInterpolator
The pageInterpolator
prop enables customization of page animations using a Reanimated "worklet" function. For example, the following pageInterpolator
will scale up upcoming months and fade in as they enter, then rotate and fade out as they leave:
// Example
function pageInterpolator({ focusAnim }: CalendarPageInterpolatorParams) {
const inputRange = [-1, 0, 1]
// Ensure the current month has a higher zIndex than the surrounding months
const zIndex = interpolate(focusAnim.value, inputRange, [0, 99, 0])
// Fade the current month as it enters/leaves focus
const opacity = interpolate(focusAnim.value, inputRange, [0, 1, 0])
// Rotate the current month as it leaves focus
const rotationDeg = interpolate(focusAnim.value, inputRange, [360, 0, 0])
// Scale up the incoming month
const scale = interpolate(focusAnim.value, inputRange, [2, 1, 0.25])
return {
transform: [{ rotate: `${rotationDeg}deg` }, { scale }]
import React, {
} from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";
import Calendar from "react-native-swipe-calendar";
if (Platform.OS === "android") {
UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental &&
export default function App() {
const [currentDate, setCurrentDate] = useState(new Date());
const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState<Date | null>(null);
const calendarRef = useRef(null);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
theme={{ todayIndicatorDotColor: "blue" }}
onDateSelect={(date, { isSelected }) => setSelectedDate(isSelected ? null : date )}
onPageChange={(date) => {
<View style={styles.controlBar}>
onPress={() => calendarRef.current?.decrementPage()}
onPress={() => calendarRef.current?.incrementPage()}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: "white",
paddingTop: 100
incDec: {
paddingHorizontal: 20,
padding: 10,
backgroundColor: "lightgrey",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
borderRadius: 5,
controlBar: {
position: "absolute",
top: 100,
left: 0,
right: 0,
flexDirection: "row",
justifyContent: "space-between",