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test phpstan-dba feature branch

Open staabm opened this issue 2 years ago • 13 comments

just testing a bleeding edge phpstan dba feature

staabm avatar May 24 '22 20:05 staabm


Click to show 192 changes in this composer.lock file

Package changes

Package Operation From To Changes
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Dev Package changes

Package Operation From To Changes
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sebastian/type remove 3.0.0 - -
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staabm/phpstan-dba remove 0.2.23 - -
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private-packagist[bot] avatar May 24 '22 20:05 private-packagist[bot]

The composer.lock diff comment has been updated to reflect new changes in this PR.

private-packagist[bot] avatar May 24 '22 20:05 private-packagist[bot]

@chr-hertel since I don't want to annoy Jordi again with my question, I send this question to you - would be great if you could spent a few minutes to answer them.

with this PR I am testing a new phpstan-dba feature, which analyzes sql queries that don't use an index. as you can see from the 'files changed'-tab, we got a few errors here.

could you have a look at these and tell me whether you would consider those a "false-positive"? maybe we can figure out, whether/how to read a mysql explain result-set to identify queries which should be optimized by the author.

the current implemenation can be seen in

staabm avatar May 25 '22 07:05 staabm

@staabm looking at the reported issues, they are indeed detecting cases where queries don't use indexes (but then, I'm wondering whether it should always be reported as an error, as having indexes for everything might have drawbacks as it slows down writes, which might not be worth it if a query is used rarely in a CLI command for instance, but that's a separate topic). The only one that might not be expected is the one reporting a missing index on a derived table (which cannot have an index AFAICT)

stof avatar May 25 '22 12:05 stof

The composer.lock diff comment has been updated to reflect new changes in this PR.

private-packagist[bot] avatar May 25 '22 13:05 private-packagist[bot]

@stof thx for the feedback.

ignoring DERIVED-tables seems like a good measure to prevent false-positives -> I will implement just that.

I got another feedback in which made me add a threshold, so we don't report missing indexes/table-scan when tables are small (mysql sometime decides reading the table as is is faster then using an index, when small enough).

staabm avatar May 25 '22 13:05 staabm

The composer.lock diff comment has been updated to reflect new changes in this PR.

private-packagist[bot] avatar May 25 '22 13:05 private-packagist[bot]

just update phpstandba and now we no longer get errors.

it seems the few which were reported previous are related to small tables

staabm avatar May 25 '22 13:05 staabm

Well, is the CI running with data in tables or with an empty DB ?

stof avatar May 25 '22 13:05 stof

I guess its an empty schema currently


staabm avatar May 25 '22 13:05 staabm

@staabm yeah table size metrics seem to be kinda useless as you're unlikely to have prod data in when running PHPStan. Otherwise great feature even with some amount of false positives IMO.. maybe should be opt-in or at least have an option to opt-out if it is too noisy.

Seldaek avatar May 25 '22 18:05 Seldaek

thx for the feedback.

maybe should be opt-in or at least have an option to opt-out if it is too noisy.

its an opt-in feature and the min-table size arg can be configured with the RuntimeConfiguration

just added an explicit hint, on how to achieve that scenario

staabm avatar May 25 '22 19:05 staabm

The composer.lock diff comment has been updated to reflect new changes in this PR.

private-packagist[bot] avatar May 26 '22 07:05 private-packagist[bot]