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The Sway Lend Protocol is an Fuel Network smart contract for supplying or borrowing assets.

🌴 ✨ Swaylend ⛽️ ⚡️

First ever Lending protocol on Fuel Network


Sway Lend is a decentralized lending platform that operates on the Fuel Network, which has an Ethereum consensus layer. Our platform provides a secure and trustful place for crypto users to earn passive income by supplying liquidity to the market.

With Sway Lend, users can supply up to 6 different crypto assets as collateral and borrow USDC, the base asset. Suppliers earn a passive income by providing liquidity, while borrowers have the option to borrow in either an overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized manner.

The Sway Lend protocol is built on a re-engineered solution from the Ethereum blockchain, rewritten in the Sway programming language. Our platform is a re-imagining of the Compound architecture offers all the features and benefits of the Compound with the added security and stability of the Fuel Network. Our platform is constantly monitored and improved by our dedicated team, who are always available to answer any questions or provide support. Join our Discord community to learn more about how you can use Sway Lend to achieve your financial goals.

The Sway Lend alive on https://swaylend.com

Please note that Sway Lend is in the alpha testing phase and contracts may change in the future, leading to potential loss of supply/borrow amount.

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SWAY Address = 0xcb3bc832cf32125ce4bd559022aa1b50ff2ac64c578c6343808457a78c1c799a
Market contract = 0x3fffc28bdb0a460263eeda9b56f9c5157c8048c25ed116c3a4e5cee78bb24bb9
Market contract = fuel18llu9z7mpfrqyclwm2d4d7w9z47gqjxztmg3dsayuh8w0zajfwus34ml3a
start_block: 4593788

SWAY = 0xcb3bc832cf32125ce4bd559022aa1b50ff2ac64c578c6343808457a78c1c799a
USDC = 0x8bf7951ea3222fe0bae9b811c2b142a1ff417361dcf7457855ed477d2d9a8550
ETH  = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
LINK = 0xfa36ce38f74ee0bcd12c11ec367ca237cee3e6b7a937761f4f762bbc11d2da21
BTC  = 0x49fab925448594b61c280b5c580b2a63a6f6a8aaa3c199a06798b1c568808158
UNI  = 0xae37bc0feb66e60a89e301d450bb4640aa9bd7cedd856e253e23989eae536e92
COMP = 0xc23da8f4073523e84e4fdd2b6a28f3273af2b70361345a63307313f0f489c48b

start_block: 4593788
Market contract = 0x3fffc28bdb0a460263eeda9b56f9c5157c8048c25ed116c3a4e5cee78bb24bb9
Market contract = fuel18llu9z7mpfrqyclwm2d4d7w9z47gqjxztmg3dsayuh8w0zajfwus34ml3a

Oracle contract = 0x8f7a76602f1fce4e4f20135a0ab4d22b3d9a230215ccee16c0980cf286aaa93c

Token Factory Contract = 0xd8c627b9cd9ee42e2c2bd9793b13bc9f8e9aad32e25a99ea574f23c1dd17685a

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