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Use `__str__` to replaced `print_hierarchy`

Open Licini opened this issue 5 months ago • 6 comments

According to @chenkasirer there are some discussion about remove all print in core library, instead use __str__ for this type of functionalities.

I made this change for Tree, let me know what you guys think.

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  • [ ] Bug fix in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • [x] New feature in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • [x] Breaking change: bug fix or new feature that involve incompatible API changes.
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  • [x] I added a line to the file in the Unreleased section under the most fitting heading (e.g. Added, Changed, Removed).
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Licini avatar Mar 28 '24 12:03 Licini

this looks great, but curious what's @tomvanmele @Licini take on str vs repr: could repr just invoke str?

jf--- avatar Apr 08 '24 12:04 jf---

the point of __repr__ is to allow for (re)construction of an object using eval of its string "repr"esentation. in the case of making something print-friendly we should use __str__ in my opinion. if i remember correctly, we only implement __repr__ if reconstruction is indeed possible...

tomvanmele avatar Apr 08 '24 17:04 tomvanmele

right, repr(oduction) its a neat feature, so repr can echo str when reconstruction isn't viable

jf--- avatar Apr 08 '24 18:04 jf---

@Licini sorry to ping, I'd just like to merge soon

chenkasirer avatar Apr 25 '24 13:04 chenkasirer

@Licini would indeed be good to finish this...

tomvanmele avatar Apr 25 '24 14:04 tomvanmele

@chenkasirer @gonzalocasas Sorry for late update on this folks. But now I can declare this is done 😂. If you guys give me a go I will merge now

Licini avatar Apr 29 '24 16:04 Licini