company-statistics copied to clipboard
Sort completion candidates by previous completion choices
- company-statistics ** About Company-statistics is a global minor mode built on top of the in-buffer completion system [[][company-mode]]. The idea is to keep a log of a certain number of completions you choose, along with some context information, and use that to rank candidates the next time you have to choose --- hopefully showing you likelier candidates at the top of the list. ** Use It Using the package is simple.
If you install it from the repository with Emacs' package manager, you only need to enable the mode, e.g., in your =init.el= file: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'company-statistics-mode) #+end_src
Alternatively, make sure =company-statistics.el= is in your =load-path=, and add to your =init.el= file #+begin_src emacs-lisp (require 'company-statistics) (company-statistics-mode) #+end_src to load the package manually and turn on the mode.
See the (few but powerful) customizable options for details =M-x customize-group company-statistics=. ** Design Company-statistics is an add-on for company-mode, but is only loosely coupled to it (it works by adding a sorting function to =company-transformers= as well as a handler to =company-completion-finished-hook=). It is designed with some flexibility in mind as for the recorded context information and the way candidates are scored: the default pair of functions are only examples! The stats are automatically persistent between sessions. ** Have Fun!