Michael Gibson
Michael Gibson
**Describe the bug** Fedora 39 container was working on my Fedora 38 silverblue OS but now it is not. **Steps how to reproduce the behaviour** ``` [localhost ~]$ toolbox enter...
The 2 held keys for the image with f12 and copy/paste are the same. The 2 held buttons should be above f12 not f10.
There are concerns with the emscripten Godot project that the snapshot will increase bandwidth usage too much. (emscripten support is a separate issue) For the subset of programs that: 1....
Backup Unsaved Changes -------------------------------------- _(I have tested every text editor in my OS's package manager and none of them are usable because they are missing these features... I have to...
app.alert's width can become 3 times the width of the window's width. It is also cropped by the window's bounds. app.alert should probably have a max width equal to higher...
image:resize is broken. Resizing from some source sizes to some target sizes fail to leave the image in the target size: image:resize(22, 22) -- first run assert image.w == 22...
`cel.image = Image(cel.image, rectangle)` can error with `[string "internal"]:1: bad argument #2 to 'f' (ImageObj expected, got nil)` without any line number nor stack trace. `Image(cel.image, rectangle)` can return nil...
### Issue description In a kaggle notebook, I have a pixi.toml config file. `magic telemetry --disable` ``` # thread 'main' panicked at /home/runner/work/magic/magic/src/cli/telemetry.rs:42:57: # Cannot find Modular config file: Os...
### Issue description Using ipython magic-action `%%script` to call modular's `magic shell` gives an error (see steps to reproduce). ### Steps to reproduce Using ipython magic-action `%%script` to call modular's...
On fedora ostree distros, Magic CLI isn't understanding symlinks. /var/home is /home if /home symlinks to it. ```magic self-update``` ``` magic is not installed in the default location: │ │...