openflights-data copied to clipboard
REST microservice for openflights airports and airlines data
REST microservice for openflights airports and airlines data
Get airport and airline data via REST API.
Run Example
npm install
cd example && npm install && npm run build && cd ..
npm start
Open http://localhost:3003
Usage with express server
const {router} = require('openflights-data')
const app = require('express')()
app.use('/', router())
Just access data.
const {loadData} = require('openflights-data')
loadData(config).then(data => console.log(data))
Get airport by IATA Code
Returns GeoJSON Feature
GET /airports/iata/:code
// e.g.
GET /airports/iata/aaa
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-145.50999450683594, -17.35260009765625]
properties: {
id: '1973',
name: 'Anaa Airport', // name of airport
city: 'Anaa', // city name
iata: 'AAA',
icao: 'NTGA',
alt: 10, // altitude in ft
tz: 'Pacific/Tahiti', // timezone
country: 'PF', // ISO-3166 Country Code
type: 'airport' // type: airport, airbase, heliport, seaplane,
// airfield, bus, port, station
Get airport by ICAO Code
Returns GeoJSON Feature
GET /airports/icao/:code
Search airport by name
Returns GeoJSON FeatureCollection
GET /airports/search/:search
// e.g.
GET /airports/search/leonardo+da
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [12.2388889, 41.8002778]
properties: {
id: '1555',
name: 'Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport',
city: 'Rome',
iata: 'FCO',
icao: 'LIRF',
alt: 13,
tz: 'Europe/Rome',
country: 'IT',
type: 'airport'
Get airports by bounding box
Returns GeoJSON FeatureCollection
GET /airports/bbox/:north,:west/:south,:east
// example get all airports within lat 49, lng 8 and lat 48, lng 7
GET /airports/bbox/49,8/48,7
// filter by country, type, iata, icao
GET /airports/bbox/:north,:west/:south,:east?country=C1,C2&type=t1,t2&iata=1&icao=1
// example get all swiss airfields
GET /airports/bbox/47.54,6.38/45.73,10.77?country=CH&type=airfield
Get airline by IATA code
Returns airline object
GET /airlines/iata/:code
// e.g.
GET /airlines/iata/4u
id: '2548',
name: 'Germanwings',
iata: '4U',
icao: 'GWI',
callsign: 'GERMAN WINGS',
active: true,
country: 'DE'
Get airline by ICAO code
GET /airlines/icao/:code
Get airline by callsign
GET /airlines/callsign/:callsign
Search airline by name
Returns Array of airline objects
GET /airlines/search/:search
Data is obtained from openflights under ODBL-1.0 and downloaded as postinstall task.
If you like to improve the data please open an issue here.