ComfyUI copied to clipboard
All plug-in text previews do not display output content
ComfyUI Revision: 1773 [6efe561c] | Released on '2023-12-03'
After updating to the latest version, all plug-in text previews will not output information
ComfyUI Revision: 1773 [6efe561] | Released on '2023-12-03'
After updating to the latest version, all plug-in text previews will not output information
Does ComfyUI appear in the browser, and does the execution proceed normally?
@ltdrdata All plug-ins are working properly and can output text content normally, but text preview of all plug-ins cannot be displayed.
@ltdrdata All plug-ins are working properly and can output text content normally, but text preview of all plug-ins cannot be displayed.
What does 'text preview' exactly mean?
@ltdrdata As in the example, wildcards on the left output strings correctly, but none of the plug-in display text works (right).
ComfyUI Revision: 1779 [9b655d4f] | Released on '2023-12-04'
Browser error messages (Browser :google/edge)
Oh... I got it.
This is an issue that should have been reported in the Impact Pack
The issue has been identified as occurring when a wildcard node is newly added. I will patch it soon and commit the changes.
This is fixed. Update your Impact Pack to latest version.
OK,Thanks you for your hard work
I've got the exact same problem today. But fixing with any update is not possible.
No errors in Console.
** Platform: Windows
** Python version: 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
### ComfyUI Revision: 2652 [0c7c98a9] | Released on '2024-09-05'
Maybe this will help too.
Browser console (Firefox);
Laden des Moduls von "" wurde auf Grund eines nicht freigegebenen MIME-Typs ("application/octet-stream") blockiert.
Error loading extension /extensions/dzNodes/dz_debug.js TypeError: error loading dynamically imported module: app.ts:1747:20
Laden des Moduls von "" wurde auf Grund eines nicht freigegebenen MIME-Typs ("application/octet-stream") blockiert.
Error calling extension 'Comfy.EasyUse.UI' method 'init'
Object { error: TypeError }
error: TypeError: oe is undefined
<prototype>: Object { … }
Object { extension: {…} }
extension: Object { name: "Comfy.EasyUse.UI", init: init(), setup: async setup(), … }
<prototype>: Object { … }
Object { args: [] }
Error calling extension 'DZ.widgets' method 'init'
Object { error: ReferenceError }
error: ReferenceError: error is not defined
<prototype>: Object { … }
Object { extension: {…} }
extension: Object { name: "DZ.widgets", init: async init(), setup: setup(), … }
<prototype>: Object { … }
Object { args: [] }
I did uninstall "DeepFuze".
Now it is working:
So I think, the problem is there.