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Voice & Video Calling and Text Chat SDK for JavaScript/Web


CometChat Javascript SDK

CometChat enables you to add voice, video & text chat for your website & app. This guide demonstrates how to add chat to a WebSite using CometChat.

Prerequisites :star:

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
✅   You have Visual Studio Code or any other code editor installed in your machine.
✅   You have npm installed in your machine.
✅   You have read CometChat Key Concepts.

Installing CometChat Javascript SDK

Setup :wrench:

To setup Javascript SDK, you need to first register on CometChat Dashboard. Click here to sign up.

i. Get your Application Keys :key:

Signup for CometChat and then:

  1. Create a new app: Click Add App option available → Enter App Name & other information → Create App
  2. At the Top in QuickStart section you will find Auth Key & App ID or else you can head over to the API & Auth Keys section and note the Auth Key and App ID

ii. Add the CometChat Dependency

  • Install via NPM
    1. Run the following command to install the CometChat Javascript SDK
    	npm install @cometchat/chat-sdk-javascript@latest --save
  • Import via CDN
    1. Include the CometChat Javascript library in your HTML code.
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    You can refer to the below link for instructions on how to do so:
    📝 Add CometChat Dependency

Configure CometChat Javascript SDK

i. Initialize CometChat 🌟

We suggest you call the init() method on app startup, preferably in the index.js file.

var appID = "APP_ID";
var region = "REGION";
var appSetting = new CometChat.AppSettingsBuilder().subscribePresenceForAllUsers().setRegion(region).build();
CometChat.init(appID, appSetting).then(
  () => {
    console.log("Initialization completed successfully");
  error => {
    console.log("Initialization failed with error:", error);
:information_source:   Note: Make sure to replace region and appID with your credentials.

ii. Create User 👤

Once initialisation is successful, you will need to create a user. You need to use createUser() method to create user on the fly.

let authKey = "AUTH_KEY";
var uid = "user1";
var name = "Kevin";

var user = new CometChat.User(uid);


CometChat.createUser(user, authKey).then(
  user => {
    console.log("user created", user);
  },error => {
    console.log("error", error);

:information_source: Note: Make sure that UID and name are specified as these are mandatory fields to create a user.

iii. Login User 👤

Once you have created the user successfully, you will need to log the user into CometChat using the login() method.

var authKey = "AUTH_KEY";

  user => {
      CometChat.login(UID, authKey).then(
        user => {
          console.log("Login Successful:", { user });    
        error => {
          console.log("Login failed with exception:", { error });    
      // User already logged in
  }, error => {
    console.log("getLoggedinUser failed with exception:", { error });
:information_source:   Note - The login() method needs to be called only once. Also replace AUTH_KEY with Auth Key from your app.

Help and Support

For issues running the project or integrating with our UI Kits, consult our documentation or create a support ticket or seek real-time support via the CometChat Dashboard.