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How to easily and efficiently deploy Hugging Face models

Code repository to reproduce the benchmarking results presented here

The repo is broken down into 2 sections:

  • python-api: The Python inference services that we tested:
    • baseline: Baseline inference service using default parameters - This is not optimized
    • model-hardware-optimized: Optimized inference service for DistilBert - This is the most optimized inference service
    • model-optimized: Optimized inference service that support both Bert and DistilBert models as well as optional quantization
  • load-testing: Utilities to run performance benchmarks

How to run the benchmarks

Given all our benchmarks are run on GCP, you will need to have a Google Cloud project.

Running the benchmarks is done in three steps:

  1. Create the docker images for each Python API:
cd python-api
  1. Deploy a virtual machine for the python api we wish to test:
cd load_testing/machine_provisioning

  1. We will now create a virtual machine from which to run our load testing software:
cd load_testing/machine_provisioning
  1. The last part of the script run in step 3 is to connect via ssh to the virtual machine. In this terminal we can run our load testing script:
cd /locust
sh <IP ADRESS printed in step 2> <NB_CONCURRENT_USERS>