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An experimental System-on-Chip with a custom compiler toolchain.
Toy SoC toolchain (c) by Meta Alternative Ltd, 2015
This is a sample toy machine backend for Clike compiler, designed for teaching fundamentals of computing and for exploring hardware-software co-design and higher-level HDL synthesis.
Default backend ("small1") is a placeholder for experimenting with various future CPU designs and compiler backend techniques.
The default backend is targeting a toy stack machine, implemented on Spartan6 FPGAs. Sample SoCs are included for LogiPi and Digilent Atlys boards.
This is a very trivial multi-stage CPU core without a hardware division, optional hardware multiplication, no barrel shifter and no FPU. Everything is supposed to be implemented in software. Only 32-bit word addressing is supported.
Stack is implemented in 2-port block rams, while instruction and main data memory is using DDR (with a small instruction cache provided, but no data cache).
CPU core supports interrupts. At the moment there are only two IRQs implemented, for incoming SPI/serial data and for memory access violation. Timer IRQs should be trivial to add.
Compiler accepts a C-like extensible language. It is possible to inline Verilog code into C to seamlessly enhance the CPU core functionality, see backends/small1/sw/long_hdltests/test1.c for example.
There is also an experimental HLS engine, allowing to implement custom instructions directly in Clike. See for more details.
There are two other CPU cores included in this project.
One is "tiny1", a very small and extremely slow heavily microcoded core. It fits into an iCE40 1k, occupying only about 660 cells, but it relies on block rams to host the microcode. There is no C compiler backend for this core, and no support for extended instructions.
Another CPU core included is "c2". There is a full featured optimising Clike compiler backend for it, as well as a support for extended instructions (and, therefore, Verilog inlining and HLS). It's a classic 5-stage RISC core, with no caches, relying on having everything in either ROMs or single clock cycle block RAMs (i.e., it cannot directly address DDR, unlike Small1). This core is meant to be used as a small minion CPU running in a NoC. It is about an order of magnitude faster than Small1 but still is relatively simple. There will be a more complex version of the same ISA with a support for caches, DDR and interrupts, eventually replacing Small1.
MBase, Xilinx ISE and Verilator are required for building.
LogiPi tools are required for programming a LogiPi board.
Clike is included as a git submodule:
git submodule update --init
To build a bitfile for your board, use:
make logipi
make atlys
Bitfiles will be located in backends/small1/hw/soc/logipi or backends/small1/hw/soc/atlys.
To build verilated tests, run (see backends/small1/sw/tests):
make hwtests
Hex files generated by compiler can be loaded into SoC via an SPI (LogiPi) or USB serial (Atlys), see the contents of backends/small1/hw/soc/logipi/sw and backends/small1/hw/soc/atlys/sw for the host--side terminal and debugger tool.
Usage example:
make clikecc.exe
mono clikecc.exe /out os1 backends/small1/sw/os1.c
# on your Raspberry Pi with a LogiPi attached:
(cd backends/small1/hw/soc/logipi/sw; make spicomm)
sudo ./backends/small1/hw/soc/logipi/sw/spicomm os1.hex
Verilog inlining
If building a C code with inlined verilog, make sure to move the resulting verilog output files to backends/small1/hw/custom/ and rebuild the bitfile or simulation binaries (see backends/small1/sw/hdltest/ for example).
For example:
make clikecc.exe
mono clikecc.exe /out hdltest1.hex backends/small1/sw/long_hdltests/test1.c
# Install the generated Verilog files into the build infrastructure
cp hdltest1_out/*.v backends/small1/hw/custom/
# Rebuild the bitfile
make logipi
# on your Raspberry Pi with a LogiPi attached:
sudo logi_loader soc.bit
(cd backends/small1/hw/soc/logipi/sw; make spicomm)
SOCCOM_BATCH=1 sudo -E ./backends/small1/hw/soc/logipi/sw/spicomm hdltest1.hex