Still seeing this behavior: > Observe the Crafter eventually become stuck on a few voxels jumping back and forth (the "humping" I think the player is referencing) in 233bc5a8 It's...
Here's an example: [Important]( [Important](
>While "taking a walk" dwarfs were sometimes jumping up and down on the same spot over and over. Prevented this. Thems the humps, so it's fixed.
This is still occurring on b089ea7a [Bead]( [Bead](
#222 relevant.
Starting to bug this. Expect I'll find more, and later I'll suggest some polish for the UI, unless you've got your own ideas there? First issue found: Actions stay on...
As for initial design feedback: 1.I think we should add the cancel tool to the selector, if possible. 2. We should take the right click option and put it on...
Working pretty nicely so far. Feel like players should be able to cancel things like dig, zones, and other task by selecting the designated area. That outside the realm of...
Regressing. What's your next steps for this?
Regressing. Any plans to continue dev here or no? @mklingen