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Issues with BSP `workspace/reload`

Open ckipp01 opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

So after playing around a fair bit with mill-bsp it seems that the reload functionality isn't quite working as I originally thought it does. It's a bit decieving since according to here:

It doesn't do anything but send back an {}. Metals then interprets this as a successful reload and moves on, when really this may not be a successful reload. You can can see this for example if you misspell something like tesFrameworks and hit save. Metals will prompt you to re-import with under the hood triggers a workspace/reload to which Mill immediately returns {} making metals think everything is ok. If I remember the conversation correctly the idea was the shut down and restart, but that also doesn't fully seem to be happening when looking at the bsp logs after a reload.

For example if I edit the with something invalid and trigger a reload I'll see this:

[Trace - 11:02:13 PM] Sending request 'workspace/reload - (14)'
Params: null

[Trace - 11:02:13 PM] Received response 'workspace/reload - (14)' in 2ms
Result: {}
Error: null

[Trace - 11:02:14 PM] Sending request 'buildTarget/scalaMainClasses - (15)'

Reload happens, Metals is happy and then Mill starts answers the requests for the main classes and tests classes. It doesn't seem to shut down and it's actually in a somewhat invalid state where the build is invalid, but Metals is still working off the last working state. I've also seen this cause you to get into a loop where you close the project, and then the next time you attempt to re-open it fails to get any build targets, and then re-initializes over and over.

2021.11.29 23:06:41 INFO  Attempting to connect to the build server...
2021.11.29 23:06:41 INFO  tracing is enabled: /Users/ckipp/Documents/scala-workspace/mill-minimal/.metals/bsp.trace.json
2021.11.29 23:06:40 WARN  No build session currently active to reload.
2021.11.29 23:06:41 INFO  time: Connected to build server in 0.91s
2021.11.29 23:06:41 INFO  Connected to Build server: mill-bsp v0.10.0-M4
2021.11.29 23:06:47 INFO  tracing is enabled: /Users/ckipp/Documents/scala-workspace/mill-minimal/.metals/bsp.trace.json
2021.11.29 23:06:47 INFO  Connected to Build server: mill-bsp v0.10.0-M4
2021.11.29 23:06:49 INFO  no build target: using presentation compiler with only scala-library: 2.13.7
2021.11.29 23:06:49 INFO  time: code lens generation in 3.77s
2021.11.29 23:06:51 INFO  no build target: using presentation compiler with only scala-library: 2.13.7
2021.11.29 23:06:52 INFO  tracing is enabled: /Users/ckipp/Documents/scala-workspace/mill-minimal/.metals/bsp.trace.json
2021.11.29 23:06:52 INFO  Connected to Build server: mill-bsp v0.10.0-M4
2021.11.29 23:06:56 INFO  shutting down Metals
2021.11.29 23:06:56 INFO  Shut down connection with build server.
2021.11.29 23:06:56 INFO  Disconnecting from mill-bsp session...

Here are some more bsp trace files showing this:

[Trace - 11:06:41 PM] Sending request 'build/initialize - (1)'
Params: {
  "rootUri": "file:///Users/ckipp/Documents/scala-workspace/mill-minimal/",
  "displayName": "Metals",
  "version": "0.10.9+80-6ff28e97-SNAPSHOT",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0-M15",
  "capabilities": {
    "languageIds": [
  "data": {
    "semanticdbVersion": "4.4.30",
    "supportedScalaVersions": [

[Trace - 11:06:42 PM] Received response 'build/initialize - (1)' in 836ms
Result: {
  "displayName": "mill-bsp",
  "version": "0.10.0-M4",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0",
  "capabilities": {
    "compileProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "testProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "runProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "debugProvider": {
      "languageIds": []
    "inverseSourcesProvider": true,
    "dependencySourcesProvider": true,
    "dependencyModulesProvider": true,
    "resourcesProvider": true,
    "buildTargetChangedProvider": false,
    "canReload": true
Error: null

[Trace - 11:06:42 PM] Sending notification 'build/initialized'
Params: null

[Trace - 11:06:42 PM] Sending request 'workspace/buildTargets - (2)'
Params: null

[Trace - 11:06:47 PM] Sending request 'build/initialize - (1)'
Params: {
  "rootUri": "file:///Users/ckipp/Documents/scala-workspace/mill-minimal/",
  "displayName": "Metals",
  "version": "0.10.9+80-6ff28e97-SNAPSHOT",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0-M15",
  "capabilities": {
    "languageIds": [
  "data": {
    "semanticdbVersion": "4.4.30",
    "supportedScalaVersions": [

[Trace - 11:06:47 PM] Received response 'build/initialize - (1)' in 697ms
Result: {
  "displayName": "mill-bsp",
  "version": "0.10.0-M4",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0",
  "capabilities": {
    "compileProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "testProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "runProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "debugProvider": {
      "languageIds": []
    "inverseSourcesProvider": true,
    "dependencySourcesProvider": true,
    "dependencyModulesProvider": true,
    "resourcesProvider": true,
    "buildTargetChangedProvider": false,
    "canReload": true
Error: null

[Trace - 11:06:47 PM] Sending notification 'build/initialized'
Params: null

[Trace - 11:06:50 PM] Sending request 'workspace/buildTargets - (2)'
Params: null

[Trace - 11:06:52 PM] Sending request 'build/initialize - (1)'
Params: {
  "rootUri": "file:///Users/ckipp/Documents/scala-workspace/mill-minimal/",
  "displayName": "Metals",
  "version": "0.10.9+80-6ff28e97-SNAPSHOT",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0-M15",
  "capabilities": {
    "languageIds": [
  "data": {
    "semanticdbVersion": "4.4.30",
    "supportedScalaVersions": [

[Trace - 11:06:53 PM] Received response 'build/initialize - (1)' in 753ms
Result: {
  "displayName": "mill-bsp",
  "version": "0.10.0-M4",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0",
  "capabilities": {
    "compileProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "testProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "runProvider": {
      "languageIds": [
    "debugProvider": {
      "languageIds": []
    "inverseSourcesProvider": true,
    "dependencySourcesProvider": true,
    "dependencyModulesProvider": true,
    "resourcesProvider": true,
    "buildTargetChangedProvider": false,
    "canReload": true
Error: null

[Trace - 11:06:53 PM] Sending notification 'build/initialized'
Params: null

ckipp01 avatar Nov 29 '21 22:11 ckipp01

Thanks for the nice report. This looks like a duplicate of #1560.

lefou avatar Nov 29 '21 22:11 lefou

Thanks for the nice report. This looks like a duplicate of #1560.

Ahh sorry, I totally missed that one. Since there is quite a bit of info in here I'll leave it up, but if you prefer I an also just port this all over there.

ckipp01 avatar Nov 30 '21 08:11 ckipp01