Collin Kindrom
Collin Kindrom
`next` is another good one. a great synonym for `then` from the original library. isn't `next` a reserved word in ruby though? On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 5:08 PM,...
`match` is cool too. Or maybe `expect`? `then_exactly` ? Now that you mention `match`, I think that's my favorite. If I'm trying to create the regex `/http/`, when I read...
@rafaelfranca Thanks for mentioning the `data-confirm` changes. I didn't know about those. That would be the other solution to the problem - have people explicitly specify `link_to "Foo", '/foo', data:...
Exactly, that's what I'm trying to say. If the only way to activate the ujs library is by specifying the data attribute yourself (using `data: {method: :delete}` or similar) then...
@JangoSteve Yes, totally. So there are really 2 problems: 1 - Possible name collisions 2 - The name is connected to the view via MAGIC Sounds like they're already fixing...