2 hours Please use summary tab as guide Emissions factors and population should show on this page rather than appear on their own pages.
Population and Emissions Factors views from the Health and Education UI are not showing data.
Here is the link to the most updated version of this model: As part of this ticket, please note and address any divergences.
As a user, I can see data for the different population cases in the table and the data changes when a new population case is selected
This can be seen in across solutions in the assumptions section.
Need from the client for Health and Education UI work. We need data for 6 data tables - we only have the current sheet. We need past years ref 1...
As a user, if I add a lot of notes if my workbook description, it breaks the page styling. Notes are extended outside of the workbook teaser component. Text goes...
There should be navigation allowing the user to return to the dashboard view between heading and page content.
Problem: As a user, I need help text that allows me to understand the application through a tutorial. The current state is a screenshot and doesn't look great. Suggested UX:...