svg-tween icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svg-tween copied to clipboard

Animate between SVG shapes

SVG tween

Animate between SVG shapes.

8.6kb gzipped.

Note: Wilderness has superseded this library and I'd highly recommend trying that instead.

Polyfill generators

However, you're currently also going to have to bring babel polyfill to the party at an additional 30.8kb gzipped. This is to support Javascript generators which a dependency of this library makes use of.


Tower example

View tower example code

Batman example

View batman example code

Line example

View line example code

Basic shapes example

View basic shapes example code


npm install svg-tween


SVG tween has two functions – tween and tweenPaths.


The tween function takes all the same options as Tweening's tween function. However, the from and to options take the form of SVG shape objects.

import tween from 'svg-tween'

// The shape we want to animate from
const from = {
  type: 'path',
  d: 'M5,50L80,60v40,l-15,10l-15,-10z'

// The shape we want to animate to
const to = {
  type: 'rect',
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  x: 50,
  y: 50

// Create a new path node
const path = document.createElementNS('', 'path')

// Set the node's initial d attribute to match the from shape
path.setAttribute('d', from.d)

// Add the path node to the dom

// Let's move!
// On each frame our next callback is run
// this is where we update our path node's d attribute
  duration: 500,
  next: d => path.setAttribute('d', d)


The tweenPaths function is much the same as tween, except it takes d attribute strings as it's from and to options.

import { tweenPaths } from 'svg-tween'

// The path we want to animate from
const from = 'M5,50L80,60v40,l-15,10l-15,-10z'

// The path we want to animate to
const to = 'M50,50h100v100h-100Z'

// Create a new path node
const path = document.createElementNS('', 'path')

// Set the node's initial d attribute to match from
path.setAttribute('d', from)

// Add the path node to the dom

// Let's move!
// On each frame our next callback is run
// this is where we update our path node's d attribute
  duration: 500,
  next: d => path.setAttribute('d', d)

Morphing multiple shapes

The tween and tweenPaths functions can also accept an array of shape objects, or d attribute strings respectively. This allows us to tween groups of SVG shapes in one function call.

import { tweenPaths } from 'svg-tween'

// The paths we want to animate from
const from = [ 'M0,0h10v10h-10z', 'M10,10h10v10h-10z' ]

// The paths we want to animate to
const to = [ 'M0,0l10,5l-10,5z', 'M10,10l10,5l-10,5z' ]

// Create two new path nodes
const paths = [
  document.createElementNS( '', 'path' ),
  document.createElementNS( '', 'path' )

paths.forEach(( p, i ) => {
  // Set the node's initial d attribute to match from
  p.setAttribute('d', from[ i ])

  // Add the path node to the dom

// Let's move!
// On each frame our next callback is run for each path
// this is where we update our path node's d attribute
  next: (d, i) => paths[ i ].setAttribute('d', d)


This is how you get to the good stuff if you're using require.

const SVGTween = require( 'svg-tween' )
const tween = SVGTween.default
const tweenPaths = SVGTween.tweenPaths


And if you just want to smash in a Javascript file you're also covered. Drop this in place ...

Then access it on the SVGTween global variable.

const tween = SVGTween.default
const tweenPaths = SVGTween.tweenPaths


A size comparison of libraries that allow morphing of SVG shapes (with differing number of points).

Library Size
SVG tween 6.8kb
SVG Morpheus 7.2kb
SnapSVG 26kb
RaphaelJS 32kb
GreenSock TweenMax + morphSVG plugin 41.5kb
Bonsai 43kb
D3 52kb

If you know of any others, please open an issue or even better – submit a pull request.

Help make this better

Issues and pull requests gratefully received!

I'm also on twitter @colinmeinke.

Thanks :star2:
