portfolio-2022 copied to clipboard
✨ My portfolio built with Nuxt and Nuxt Content
⚒️ Tech stack
- UI → Vue.js
- Framework → Nuxt.js
- Content → Nuxt Content
- Langage → Typescript
- Smooth scrolling → Locomotive scroll
- Deployment → Vercel
- Styling → Sass
- Package Manager → pnpm
🍱 Adding content
Add a new .md
file in /content/projects/
and follow the same patern as the other projects. Add images in /public/images/projects/
Add a new item in /content/skills.yaml
and an image in /public/images/skills/
⚡ Running locally
# Installation (recommended for nuxt3)
pnpm i --shamefully-hoist
# Development server
pnpm dev
Add a .env
file with the following content:
🎸 Get a new Spotify refresh token
Request user authorization
Go to the following url:
You will be redirected to localhost
width a code in the url params.
Request access and refresh tokens
Encode the following in base64 using this website:
Then run the following in a terminal with the encoded string and the code:
curl -H "Authorization: Basic <encoded>" -d grant_type=authorization_code -d code=<code> -d redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/ https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token
You will get a response with a refresh token. Save it in an environment variable. It will never expire.
📄 License
MIT © Colin Lienard