Colin McDonnell

Results 258 comments of Colin McDonnell

I feel like I'm running into this a lot and it's not a good DX. When you change multiple policies at once, it seems to make random guesses about which...

Once we commit to implementing Elvis's original proposal, we can add this into the query builder: ```ts const myDirectorId = 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'; e.insert(e.Movie, { director: e.Director(myDirectorId), }).run(edgeClient) ``` Not sure what...

This has been added to the JavaScript query builder with the following API. ```typescript, ()=>({ ...e.Movie['*'] })) ``` This will fetch all properties of `Movie`; links must be specified...

I'd like to land this since it would be useful in some of the guides I'm writing. But I don't think the current version is quite what I need. It...

Problem still happens using the most recent nightly (`2.0-dev.6638+4b0caac`) I'm afraid.

We'll look into this. As a workaround, here's a one-liner that simulates this behavior: ``` edgedb query 'CREATE DATABASE temp' && \ edgedb -d temp query 'DROP DATABASE edgedb' 'CREATE...

> Is an implementation of set necessary or will this be abstracted away by the client API? That's why I asked this ☝️ But we still need a way to...

>No autocomplete or type checking until LSP lands I'm referring to the experience of writing the EdgeQL queries themselves in a `*.edgeql` file. Currently the IDE extensions we provide do...

> Like passing tuples in? Exactly. Parameter types would be limited to what EdgeQL actually supports (go figure). > Potentially .edgeql can be in different directories. Will we reflect dir...

Indeed! Just updated the proposal to include those. I think top-level `e.cube` and `e.rollup` are ok though. The reason I scoped `` and `` is because they're not quite the...