obsidian-things icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-things copied to clipboard

An Obsidian theme inspired by the beautifully-designed app, Things.


Notes on this theme

This theme was built using code from @kepano's great Minimal theme. Please support @kepano's work!

Support @kepano on Twitter or Buy @kepano a coffee

I love Things 3. It's been the task manager I've trusted and used for years, partly because the design makes using the app so enjoyable. I wanted to bring that same joy to Obsidian by creating a Things-inspired design that looked and felt native on MacOS and iOS.


  • Things-inspired color palette
  • Light and dark theme
  • Quick preview/edit floating action button on mobile
  • Customizable colors for bold, italic, highlighters, and block-quotes
  • Atom code syntax higlighting
  • Tag pills for readability
  • Minimal icons
  • Better designed image cards
  • Bullet and number list relationship lines
  • Fancy cursor based on Things cursor color
  • Publish and Sync support
  • JetBrains Mono font and ligatures for code

Supported Plugins

This theme has support for the following Obsidian community plugins:


Obsidian Marketplace (Recommended)

  1. Open the Settings in Obsidian
  2. Navigate to Appearances tab under Options
  3. Under the Themes section, click on the Manage button across from Themes
  4. Search for Things in the Filter text input
  5. Click Use and then you're done! 🎉


  1. Download this repo
  2. Copy the obsidian.css file into your vault's /.obsidian/themes directory
  3. Rename the file to Things.css so it will have a unique name in the theme selection dropdown
  4. Open the Settings in Obsidian
  5. Navigate to Appearances tab under Options
  6. Under the Themes section, click on the dropdown menu next to Theme heading
  7. Select Things and then you're done! 🎉


If you have any issues and/or suggestions, please submit an issue or raise a PR. I will try my best to answer as quickly as possible!


Again, I owe a huge hat tip to @kepano and his Minimal Theme, which served as the base for this theme, as well as to @chetachiezikeuzor and her Yin and Yang Theme for further inspiration on building an elegant, native-feeling design!


🎉 You can help me keep improving things like this by supporting development: @colineckert on Twitter or Buy me a coffee.