Colin Bester
Colin Bester
mac application runs fine using command line `flutter run --release -d macos` but fails to compile in xcode showing error `No such module 'flutter_secure_storage_macos'` In build->macos->Build->Products I do see folder...
Getting this warning in a flutter app with minimum target set for 14.0 ``` window_manager-0.3.7/macos/Classes/WindowManager.swift:436:31: warning: 'isBezeled' was deprecated in macOS 14.0: The bezeled property is not respected on 10.15...
I am using vscode 1.78.2 together with vue 3.2.47 and latest vite. I installed latest sortablejs-vue3 (1.2.9) as per instructions and am seeing error below. I do see node_modules/sortablejs-vue3/dist/src/components/Sortable.vue.d.ts and...
My mind has gone in a downward spiral.... How would I use readlock yet still return value as result of read using async/await?
Howdy, I was wondering if you've run any tests against lift 3.3.0?
Finally getting to upgrade to Lift 3 (yay). I am getting script-src content security warning due to lift-ng inserting js into page (inserting service calls) amongst others, eg ``` //...
I find that if I use data="..." attribute then the gauge flickers on update, if I use longer form of specifying values then transition is smooth. ie. ``` ```
I may not be understanding purpose of `selectable` in SidebarXItem. Is this meant to disable the onTap action of the SidebarXItem or is it for something else. If selectable was...
I am busy preparing projects to use Scala 3. The projects use sbt-assembly (2.2.0) to create Uber Jar. In order to prepare for change to Scala 3 I have enabled...
Super project - thanks! Any suggestions on how to handle bad markdown that is missing space between leading # and start of paragraph? E.g., instead of `# Header` I have...