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Results 7 django-generic-m2m issues
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I just want to find out if further maintenance of the project is planned.

…s to make it compatible with django >= 2.0

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Is there a way to put more than one RelatedObjectsDescriptor field on a model? Can I do something like this (in keeping with silly examples): class Store(models.Model): foods = RelatedObjectsDescriptor()...

Hello, I have UUID primary keys in one of the projects I'm working on. `TextField` will support both integer and textual primary keys.

When creating initial database tables I always get error: `django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1005, 'Can\'t create table `whatever`.`#sql-78b5_cf7` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed")')` Then I do `python migrate` again...

Hello. There is an KeyError exception when calling `GFKOptimizedQuerySet.generic_objects()`. It is raising [here]( As I understand it is because of lost relationships. Maybe it would be better to handle this?