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annotate() and aggregate() for generically-related data.

========================== django-generic-aggregation

annotate() and aggregate() for generically-related data. also a handy function for filtering GFK-model querysets.

Use django's GenericRelation <>_ where possible, as this can make the queries generated more efficient by using a JOIN rather than a subquery.



# install from pypi
pip install django-generic-aggregation

# or install via git
pip install -e git+git://


The examples below assume the following simple models:


class Rating(models.Model):
    rating = models.IntegerField()
    object_id = models.IntegerField()
    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    content_object = GenericForeignKey(ct_field='content_type', fk_field='object_id')

class Food(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    ratings = generic.GenericRelation(Rating) # reverse generic relation

You want to figure out which items are highest rated (generic_annotate)


from django.db.models import Avg

food_qs = Food.objects.filter(name__startswith='a')
generic_annotate(food_qs, Rating, Avg('ratings__rating'))

# you can mix and match queryset / model
generic_annotate(food_qs, Rating.objects.all(), Avg('ratings__rating'))

You want the average rating for all foods that start with 'a' (generic_aggregate)


food_qs = Food.objects.filter(name__startswith='a')
generic_aggregate(food_qs, Rating, Avg('ratings__rating'))

You want to only display ratings for foods that start with 'a' (generic_filter)


food_qs = Food.objects.filter(name__startswith='a')
generic_filter(Rating.objects.all(), food_qs)
