Chris Charabaruk

Results 87 comments of Chris Charabaruk

Looks like ox-html does processing both in its paragraph emitter and its link emitter to handle images. Captions and the wrapping block tag for an image come out of the...

Similar for me, but with images.

The inclusion of the paragraph is based on HTML 4.0's DTD. Like you mentioned as a sectioning root `` can contain anything, but sectioning roots are an HTML5 concept. Putting...

Well, if the goal is that default slimhtml output is just plain HTML5, I have no problem changing this to pull out the paragraph tag.

The RSS feed for Apple Podcasts is the same as for any other service -- feed.xml. Try putting your feed URL into and see if it turns up any...

I'm going to bring over the renaming that I did for the live items (in my work branch for that) to episodes, but existing episodes on sites will still need...

Further on my previous comment, PG looks for the episode metadata by replacing the extension of the episode media file with ".xml" so if that file doesn't exist or is...

When using the FTP feature, cover art needs to be embedded in the episode media file itself. The only files that should ever be in the media/ directory should be...

Podcast Generator is intended to be the website for a podcast, so there's no configuration for changing the RSS `` tag value. You would need to customize feed_generator.php yourself for...

You'd need to check the web server logs, but this definitely sounds like it's issues with the web server and iOS, not anything to do with Podcast Generator itself.