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self-validating models for Laravel\Eloquent

Aware Model

Self validating models for Laravel 3.1's built-in Eloquent ORM

Laravel 4

If you looking to include Aware in your laravel 4 project, you can find the repository here.



php artisan bundle:install aware

Bundle Registration

add the following to application/bundles.php

'aware' => array(
  'autoloads' => array(
    'map' => array(
      'Aware' => '(:bundle)/model.php'

What's new in 2.0.0?

  1. eloquent 2 / Laravel 3.1 support
  2. removed temporary attributes
  3. overridable onSave function

If something is broken...

  • Aware 2.0.0 only supports Laravel 3.1, if you're using Laravel <= 3.0 download version 1.2
  • Remember Aware no longer supports temporary attributes! if a validation rule isn't used every time put it in the controller


  • Basic
  • Validation
  • Retrieving Errors
  • Overriding Validation
  • onSave
  • Custom Error Messages
  • Custom Validation Rules


Aware aims to extend the Eloquent model without changing its core functionality. All Eloquent models are compatible with Aware.

To create a new Aware model, simply extend the Aware class:

class User extends Aware {}


Aware models use Laravel's built-in Validator class. Defining validation rules for a model is simple:

class User extends Aware {

   * Aware validation rules
  public static $rules = array(
    'name' => 'required',
    'email' => 'required|email'



Aware models validate themselves automatically when Aware->save() is called.

$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Colby';
$user->email = '[email protected]';
$user->save(); // returns false if model is invalid

note: You also can validate a model at an time using the Aware->valid() method.

Retrieving Errors

When an Aware model fails to validate, a Laravel\Messages object is attached to the Aware object.

Retrieve all errors with Aware->errors->all().

Retrieve errors for a specific attribute using Aware->errors->get('attribute').

note: Aware leverages Laravel's Messages object which has an simple and elegant method of formatting errors

Overriding Validation

There are two ways to override Aware's validation:

1. Force Save

force_save() validates the model but saves regardless of whether or not there are errors

2. Override Rules and Messages

both Aware->save($rules, $messages) and Aware->valid($rules, $messages) take to parameters

$rules is an array of Validator rules of the same form as Aware->rules. The same is true of the $messages parameter.

An array that is not empty will override the rules or messages specified by the class for that instance of the method only.

note: the default value for $rules and $messages is array(), if you pass an array() nothing will be overriden


Aware provides a convenient method for performing actions when either $model->save() is called. For example, use onSave to automatically hash a users password:

class User extends Aware {

  public function onSave()
    // if there's a new password, hash it
      $this->password = Hash::make($this->password);

    return true;


Notice that onSave returns a boolean. If you would like to halt save, return false.

Note: force_save() has it's own onForceSave() method, which behaves just like onSave.

Overriding onSave

Just like, $rules and $messages, onSave can be overridden at call time. Simply pass a closure to the save function.

$user-save(array(), array(), function ($model) {
  echo "saving!";
  return true;

Note: the closure should have one parameter as it will be passed a reference to the model being saved.

Custom Error Messages

Just like the Laravel Validator, Aware lets you set custom error messages using the same sytax.

class User extends Aware {

   * Aware Messages
  public static $messages = array(
    'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.'



Custom Validation Rules

You can create custom validation rules the same way you would for the Laravel Validator.