waterfoul icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
waterfoul copied to clipboard

Gameboy emulator written in Ruby-lang


Waterfoul is a Gameboy emulator written in Ruby-lang. It is a casual excersize by myself to learn the internals of the device and how it works.

Getting Started

To start the emulator:

bundle exec exe/waterfoul start <path to rom>

Make sure to bundle install first and install required libraries.

By default the emulator will run the boot rom, if you wish to skip it then add --skip-boot as an option.

Try turning on the --jit and --enable-frozen-string-literal to get max fps

RUBYOPT="--enable-frozen-string-literal --jit --jit-max-cache=100000 --jit-min-calls=3" bundle exec exe/waterfoul start <path to rom>


The sdl2 library is currenty used to render pixels. Most platforms have packages avaliable, else see here. This library is required and needs to be installed before you can run the emulator.

Can it play roms?

Yes! but the list of roms that i know work is very limited to just Tetris, Super Mario Land and Pokemon Red. But a lot of work is being put into making other games compatable. The device does run the internal boot program succesfully and is passing test programs sucesfully (barggs).


The following shows the mapped keys to control the game. gameboy key mapping


If you wish to run the test suite, download the source code (make sure to run bundle install) and run bundle exec rspec