coinbase-wallet-sdk copied to clipboard
Sometimes It says Link failed in wallet app, but event is received in webapp & QR modal is closed
Sometimes if previously connected wallet is connected again (after killing coinbase mobile app & opening again or fresh connect) by scanning QR. accounts response is not received only "type":"Linked"
event is received
& it works (Web3Response is received) if requestAccounts is called again.
it seems there is some communication issue with coinbase app & relay server api.
This is a serious issue from the point of view of Coinbase wallet user experience.
it seems that with version 2.1.9
it is working in much better way, now it has only one minor issue, sometimes it says link failed in coinbase wallet app, but callback is received in webapp, & it works again only after reset clicking connection from webapp confirm on phone popup & rescanning the QR code.
@aksdevac could u share me the code to connect coinbase wallet using wallet link? I couldn't make it work.
hi. sorry for the belated response. we are marking stale issues closed for now. please try our latest version 3.6.0. feel free to open a new one if needed. thanks.