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Allow for the control of the number of threads when using the python API for CPLEX
Describe the new feature
When creating a solver instance of CPLEX_PY I would like to be able to control the number of threads that the model uses, because some small problems that require a lot of iterations to solve benefit from using less threads.
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The CPLEX API allows for this, as you can see in the documentation. https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/
Implementation suggestion
When creating the class CPLEX_PY allow for an optional parameter called nthreads with a default value of 0 (also the default value of CPLEX). When calling the function buildSolverModel at the end call a function that would run the command self.solverModel.parameters.threads.set(nthreads)
do you feel like doing a PR with the change? check this part https://github.com/coin-or/pulp/blob/de4dbb7cc3a9ed2bd0e88fe9e45f7a66571bad1f/pulp/apis/cplex_api.py#L432-L463 to see how we feed the cplex library with the current configuration.
I've created a pull request with this change a few small changes that I fell would improve pulp
I've adapted the PR above to introduce only the threads