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Incorrect basis inverse after solving small LP
I've encountered a small LP for which the the basis inverse (lp.basisInverse) automatically calculated by CyLP seems to be wrong (along with associated data attrictures lp.tableau and lp.rhs). However, if I calculate the basis inverse myself using getBinvACol, it is correct. Could this have something to do with scaling? Is the basis inverse computed by CyLP with respect to a scaled version of the matrix rather than the original?
import numpy as np
from import CyClpSimplex
from import CyLPArray
A = [[ -8, 30], [ -2, -4], [-14, 8], [ 2, -36], [30, -8], [10, 10]]
b = [115, -5, 1, -5, 191, 127]
c = [1, -1]
lp = CyClpSimplex()
A = np.matrix(A)
b = CyLPArray(b)
c = CyLPArray(c)
x = lp.addVariable('x', 2)
lp += x >= 0
lp += A * x <= b
lp.objective = -c * x if sense[0] == 'Max' else c * x
lp.primal(startFinishOptions = 'x')
Binv = np.zeros(shape = (lp.nConstraints, lp.nConstraints))
for i in range(lp.nVariables, lp.nVariables+lp.nConstraints):
lp.getBInvACol(i, Binv[i-lp.nVariables,:])
print 'Correct basis inverse:')
print Binv
print 'Incorrect basis inverse:')
print lp.basisInverse
print 'Correct RHS:'), myb)
print 'Incorrect RHS:')
print lp.rhs
Thank's for the issue, that looks bad. Scaling is probably the reason. But let me figure that out...
Was this problem ever resolved?
No, but the workaround of just computing the basis inverse manually has been working fine for me. There are bigger fish to fry :).
Sorry if I'm being stupid, but If I understand correctly, your computation of Binv uses getBInvACol, while the code in lp.basisInverse does getBInvCol. If I do:
import numpy as np
from import CyClpSimplex
from import CyLPArray
A = [[ -8, 30], [ -2, -4], [-14, 8], [ 2, -36], [30, -8], [10, 10]]
b = [115, -5, 1, -5, 191, 127]
c = [1, -1]
lp = CyClpSimplex()
A = np.matrix(A)
b = CyLPArray(b)
c = CyLPArray(c)
x = lp.addVariable('x', 2)
lp += x >= 0
lp += A * x <= b
lp.objective = -c * x
lp.primal(startFinishOptions = 'x')
myBinv = np.zeros((lp.nConstraints, lp.nConstraints))
for i in range(lp.nConstraints):
tmp = np.zeros(lp.nConstraints)
lp.getBInvCol(i, tmp)
myBinv[:, i] = tmp
print("myBinv:\n", myBinv)
print("lp.basisInverse:\n", lp.basisInverse)
Then the two results match. Note that the tmp variable makes a difference, otherwise, the result gets stored in the rows instead of the column.