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Hey there, I'm using the TSP application (VRP) I got the next error:
./vrp -F sample_21.vrp
Welcome to the SYMPHONY MILP Solver
Copyright 2000-2015 Ted Ralphs and others
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0
Version: 5.6.11
Build Date: Aug 24 2015
PROBLEM NAME: tsp_test
Not enough data -- DIMENSION or EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE declared wrong
this is my sample_21.vrp file:
NAME: tsp_test
99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 1 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 1 99999 99999 99999 99999
I also have another question.
In TSPLIB format there are two options: EDGE_DATA_FORMAT and EDGE_DATA_SECTION. Both of them are important because with them you can indicate what edges are real. I mean, a full matrix should indicates if some edges are unexistant (using either 0 or -1).
So, using SYMPHONY.. how can I indicate (in a FULLY MATRIX) if there's no edge between two vertices? (my EDGE_DATA_FORMAT and EDGE_DATA_SECTION flags are ignored.)