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TL;DR Static site generator support - GitHub Pages
Can you please make it possible to use this awesome weblog software as a static site generator, like with Jekyll(Ruby), for deploying the blog through services like GitHub Pages/Cloudflare Pages/Codeberg Pages etc ?
If yes, then please let me know, when it's ready for testing, I shall test it and find any bugs. If you need help, please let me know how weblog works and any resources to learn php and nginx (networking etc).
If no, please help me in understanding how did you implement the following:
- Around 32 character per line on mobile and then the line break and repeat, until last line of the post/ paragraph.
- Different formats of the index.html / homepage for mobile and desktop. (format even changes from mobile to desktop when desktop mode is enabled) How did you achive this?
- What custom format guide are you using, to format the posts/pages/website.
I am trying to implement plaintext weblog concept in Ruby language through Jekyll+Liquid. Here is the github repository. Here is the website/ github page Demo.
I appreciate your work for the open source community. And I really love this project and the philosophy behind it. I have read some interesting posts on your website too and discovered the cute easter egg as well.
All the best for the future development.
Thankyou for reading. <3