puppet-jboss copied to clipboard
Could not find dependency Class[Jboss::Internal::Prerequisites] for Exec[jboss::unzip-downloaded]
By declaring:
class { 'jboss':
product => 'jboss-eap',
version => '6.4.0.GA',
I get the following:
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency Class[Jboss::Internal::Prerequisites] for Exec[jboss::unzip-downloaded] at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/XXXXXX/modules/jboss/manifests/internal/package.pp:99
Module version is the latest.
Are you using Puppet >= 4? If so, this module is still incompatible with it. See here: #48
Yes, I checked it with Puppet 4. I suggest writing a sort of disclaimer at the very beginning of the README. Do you want me to do that?
Better be to add support :-P