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Repo for "Physion: Evaluating Physical Prediction from Vision in Humans and Machines", presented at NeurIPS 2021 (Datasets & Benchmarks track)
Hello authors of Physion dataset, There isn't a documentation for Physionv1.5( data structure yet. Could you please share a code snippet on how to extract mp4 videos or RGB frames...
Hello! I have tried the code to generate the **Physion dataset**(because the origin dataset doesn't contain **depth image**) But the code didn't work. I use the version of TDW....
Hello! I have tried the code to generate the Physion dataset(because the origin dataset doesn't contain depth image) It takes error if I use 1.11.23 version TDW: ``` In 1009...
Hello! I keep running into this problem when running the data generation code: the generation gets stuck on the first video. Through debugging, I found that it is stuck at...
I have tried my best to regenerate the dataset. However, there are many problems and I cannot overcome them. Can you provide HDF5 files containing the '_depth' information? I want...
When I tried to run "", there is an error in line 19: from tdw.flex.fluid_types import FluidTypes Traceback (most recent call last): File "f:/Research/3D/Physion/physics-benchmarking-neurips2021-master/stimuli/generation/controllers/", line 19, in from tdw.flex.fluid_types import...
Hi, I have followed some graph-based networks on Physion. It is an excellent work, and I believe there will be lots of reserachers following this work. These days, I have...
**- Tell users which set of controllers to use (the ones under tdw_physics/tdw_physics/target_controller or physics-benchmarking-neurips2021/stimuli/generation/controllers/)** - If we want them to use tdw_physics ones, we need - clear instructions for...
- [x] Make stimulus naming conventions consistent between model and human evaluations (Within each match scenario names to ground truth labels, @judithfan make sure these canonical names are on landing...