cognipy copied to clipboard
ParseException for `K9s is something.`
onto = Ontology("cnl/file","hello.encnl",stop_on_error=True)
Works with
%%writefile hello.encnl
Kas is something.
Errors with
%%writefile hello.encnl
K9s is something.
ParseException Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 onto = Ontology("cnl/file","hello.encnl",stop_on_error=True)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cognipy/, in Ontology.__init__(self, source, arg, verbose, evaluator, graph_attribute_formatter, stop_on_error)
101 self._uid = cognipy_create()
102 if source == "cnl/file":
--> 103 cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadCnl", arg, loadAnnotations,
104 modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error)
105 elif source == "cnl/string":
106 cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadCnlFromString", arg,
107 loadAnnotations, modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cognipy/, in cognipy_call(uid, cmd, *args)
74 js="\r\n".join(ja)
75 if fl.strip()=='@exception':
---> 76 raise translate_exception(json.loads(js))
77 return json.loads(js)
ParseException: {'Errors': [{'Line': 0, 'Column': 0, 'Pos': 0, 'Context': 'K9s is something.\n', 'Hint': 'K^9s is something.'}]}
(running in a jupyther/minimal image with mono added)