David Ray
David Ray
Just updated it again... Thanks btw! :-)
@lemire Good to know. (re: sorting). I think the sorting is necessary within our application (though I'm not sure why it would be since the bits are randomly accessed anyway...
I made this suggestion a while back for nupic also... On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Sagan Bolliger [email protected] wrote: > The current implementation of temporal memory >...
> However as i plan to split up fst (serialization, off-heap, json serialization) it's not a drop-in replacement. I tried this out and it works. Is it possible to jar...
I tested with the JDK9 branch...?
I know Jeff once described it as having the consistency of tapioca, but are there any papers which describe biologically what happens with interregional communication that could perhaps provide a...
@robjfr Did hell just freeze over? :) Rob Freeman on Github!? Welcome!!!
@robjfr Can I offer my go-to response? Are you suggesting we insert an overt managing mechanism with no biological plausibility deep within an HTM? :-P Also, I see and understand...
Hi Guys! Felix, I'm curious, what is the state of the art with the "sequence learning in a temporal-pooling layer" you are currently wrestling with? Cheers, David On Fri, Aug...
HTM. Java sensors index every element. This was preparation for parallel decoding which hasn't been turned on; but is present. Maybe you should consider going through the sensor layer because...