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Babel macro for counting number of lines or words in files at compile time



Count lines or words in files at build time


count.macro is a Babel macro. This will work out of the box with CRA, Gatsby, and Next.

npm install --save-dev count.macro


Line and word information is based on the source file, not the output file.

For example, this file

import { lines, linesIn, words, wordsIn } from "count.macro";

console.log(`This file has ${lines} lines`);
console.log(`lines.txt has ${linesIn("./lines.txt")}`);

console.log(`This file has ${words} words`);
console.log(`words.txt has ${wordsIn("./words.txt")}`);

will be transpiled to

console.log(`This file has ${7} lines`);
console.log(`lines.txt has ${100}`);
console.log(`This file has ${25} words`);
console.log(`words.txt has ${1000}`);

Named Exports

  • lines is a number that will be transpiled to number of lines in current file
  • linesIn is a function that takes a filename as an argument. The call will be replaced with the number of lines in the file (relative to the current file).
  • words is a number that will be transpiled to number of words in current file.
  • wordsIn is a function that takes a filename as an argument. The call will be replaced with the number of words in the file (relative to the current file).

CodeSandbox Example

Edit count.macro