Blueprint-HorizontalDropDownMenu copied to clipboard
Hi , Can i have a menu hover (not click) action (open , close) ,
You can do it by changing the init() function parameters to 'mouseover' instead of 'click.'
function init() {
$menuItems.on( 'mouseover', open );
$listItems.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); } );
Hi, is there a possibility to have some delay before the hover effect? I don't want to the menu hover appear by mistake
Yes, you can add a setTimeout function after the open function. Replace the function open(event){...} with the following:
function open( event ) { setTimeout(function(){ if( current !== -1 ) { $listItems.eq( current ).removeClass( 'cbp-hropen' ); } var $item = $( event.currentTarget ).parent( 'li' ), idx = $item.index(); if( current === idx ) { $item.removeClass( 'cbp-hropen' ); current = -1; } else { $item.addClass( 'cbp-hropen' ); current = idx; $ 'click' ).on( 'click', close ); } return false; }, 500); }
Works fine, thank you for your rapid answer ;)
Hi, can I close menu on mouseleave or mouseout?
You should be able to do this by just adding to the init() function and appending a new variable for the nav. I tested it and it seems to work.
var $listItems = $( '#cbp-hrmenu > ul > li' ),
$menuItems = $listItems.children( 'a' ),
$body = $( 'body' ),
$nav = $( 'nav' ),
current = -1;
function init() {
$menuItems.on( 'mouseover', open );
$nav.on('mouseleave', close);
$listItems.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); } );