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React Google Analytics 4

Results 35 react-ga4 issues
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I wrote up a quick tutorial with examples on how to use react-ga4 with Next.js 14 and SSR. Some people were looking for more concrete examples. Maybe this is helpful....

I got an error "Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval'". Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so...

# What This time, I wrote the following pattern code to avoid sending "page_view", but all "page_view" were sent to GA4, so I made this issue. Is there any solution?...

Hello, On multi page apps we want to have only the custom/manually page_view events and to switch off the automatic page_view measurement. The ReactGA is initialized when the root component...

Hi I am using this package for implementing GA4 in my next js application. While clicking on any ancor tag a extra GA4 click event is getting called, so is...

I have an SPA with same page title for all pages. Page views are tracked, but shows same page title for every page, understandable. Anyway to override the page view...

I intergrate Ga4 to my React App but when it's run initial or when I send any event. So plz help me to disable or remove this log when I...

Hello, Does anyone encountered issue with adding hashed value? Didn't found inside docs how to implement it using `ReactGA.initialize()`. So far did it with JS by finding script in html...

gtag set command can have two sets of params: ``` gtag('set', ) gtag('set', , ) ``` the latter doesn't work because of some checks in set() method requiring the first...

Closes Add support to turn off title case and redact email at global and event() method levels.