@mike-ward Your steps where right. You only missed the restart of the studio. Just wanted to answer your question :-). @jakubsuchybio described my issue completely correct. Second from last step...
not fixed with the 2.2.1.
I have to correct my last posting. The behavior is slightly different now. When I go to Tools -> Options ->VSColorOutput the colors are corrected immediately (without hitting "OK" in...
@mike-ward Can you tell us if this will be solved in the near future? Thx!
@jakubsuchybio What do you mean by "BuildVision"?
I've recognized that the color settings are restored when I open my VS in light mode. This error only occurs when I set the VS to dark mode and re-start...
@mike-ward Any updates on this? Thx!
Ok! I placed a little [GIF ani](https://devdeer.blob.core.windows.net/share/test.gif) to show the steps. Keep in mind, that my problem only occurs in dark theme. First you see my VS after I opened...
@mike-ward Which settings file do you mean? Just to clear that out: The settings are shown and restored correctly when you enter the settings dialog. They are just not assinged...
@mike-ward Sorry for the delay. Here ist the list of my extensions: Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Version 14.0.25123.00 Update 2 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.01038 Installed Version: Enterprise Architecture...